

单词 snag
释义 snag /snæɡ/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. (尖利的)突出物,戳出物;(树的)残桩,断枝;死树
tear one's shirt on a snag in the lamppost 在灯柱的一根断钉上钩破衬衫
2. (衣服等的)戳破处,钩破处;(编织物的)抽丝处
His clothes were full of snags after he had pushed his way through the prickly bushes. 他好不容易穿过荆棘丛之后,衣服被钩得到处都是破洞。
There is a snag in her stocking. 她的长筒袜上有一处抽丝。
3. 主美(妨害航行的)水下沉木,暗桩
Our boat hit a snag in the water. 我们的船撞上了暗桩。
4. (意外的)障碍;(潜在的)困难,麻烦
The road ahead is littered with snags. 前进的道路上处处都有障碍。
He hit two snags in his effort to attain his goal. 他在争取达到目标的努力中遇到了两个意外的障碍。
The snag is that I have nothing suitable to wear. 问题是我没有合适的衣服穿。
That's where the snag lies. 那便是问题症结之所在。
5. 凸牙;歪牙;断牙
6. (鹿角的)小叉枝
7. 澳新口香肠,灌肠

II (snagged; snag·ging)

1. 使(船等)撞上暗桩
Our boat was snagged near the shore. 我们的船在近岸处撞上了暗桩。
2. 使搁浅;阻碍
The talks have been snagged for months on how to deal with two new weapons. 就如何处置两种新武器问题的谈判已搁浅好几个月了。
3. 使钩破,使戳破;使(编织物)抽丝
I snagged my T-shirt on the rough edge of the table. 我在毛糙的桌边把T恤衫钩破了。
She snagged her leg on a rock. 她在一块岩石上把腿擦破了。
4. 清除(江河等)中的暗桩;清除(地面)上的树桩;清除(树干)上的残枝;清除(铸件)的毛刺
5. 抓住(机会等);攫取(利润等)
He snagged a nice profit on the sale. 他在那笔买卖上大大地捞了一票。
The outfield leaped and snagged the fly ball. (棒球)外场手跳起来接住了腾空球。
1. 形成暗桩;形成障碍
2. 主美(船等)撞上暗桩
3. 被缠住,被绊住
Our paddles occasionally snagged on the weeds. 我们的桨有时被水草缠住。
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