

单词 serve
释义 serve /sɜːv/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 帮佣,当仆人
serve in the kitchen 在厨房帮佣
serve as a footman 做男仆
2. 服务;服役;供职;履行职责
serve in the navy 在海军中服役
They served under the king. 他们在国王手下供职。
He served as an adviser to the company. 他任公司的顾问。
He served on the Judiciary Committee. 他担任司法委员会委员。
serve on a jury 担任陪审员
3. 侍候进餐;端上食物(或饮料等)
serve at table 侍候进餐
4. 接待顾客
serve in a restaurant 在餐馆当侍者
serve in a shop 在商店当营业员
5. 有用;起作用;足够
The nail is too short to serve. 这钉子太短,不顶用。
a sofa serving as (或 for) (a) bed 沙发床
This may serve as a warning not to drive so fast. 这可以作为切勿过快驾车的一个警告。
A simple example will serve to illustrate the point. 一个简单的例子就足以说明这一点。
6. (潮汐、气候等)适合;(时机)有利
The weather hardly serves for strolling. 这种天气不大适宜于外出溜达。
as wind and tide serve 当风向和潮汐都适合时
as (the) occasion serves 一有适当机会
7. (网球、排球等中)发球
serve well (badly) 发球发得好(不好)
It is your turn to serve. 轮到你发球了。
8. (弥撒时)充当助祭
1. 做…的仆人;给…干活
The cook has served the family for ten years. 厨子在这家干活已有10年了。
2. 为…服务;为…服役;为…尽职责
serve one's country 为祖国服务
serve the king 为国王效力
3. (职)
serve one's mayoralty 任市长之职
4. 侍奉(上帝、君主等)
5. 侍候…进餐;为…端上(或摆出)食物(或饮料等);端上,摆出(食物或饮料等)
The waiter served us. 侍者侍候我们进餐。
When everybody had been served, the meal began. 大家都得到一份饭菜后就开始进餐。
Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served. 女士们,先生们,饭菜摆好了。
serve tea 上茶
asparagus served with butter 黄油拌芦笋
Serve it to the ladies first. 把它先端给女士们。
The waiter served his customer tea. 侍者给顾客端上茶。
6. 接待(顾客)
Are you being served, sir? (营业员对顾客用语)有谁在侍候您了吗?
What may I serve you with? 您要买些什么?
7. 供应;足够供给
serve the town with water and electricity 给城镇供应水电
The cream cake serves six. 这只奶油蛋糕可供6人吃。
8. 帮助
Let me know if I can serve you in any way. 如有我可以帮忙之处,请告诉我。
That excuse will not serve you. 那借口帮不了你的忙。
9. 经历;度过
serve two terms as president 担任两届总统
serve one's apprenticeship 当学徒
He served five years in prison. 他坐了5年牢。
He is serving time for robbery. 他因犯抢劫罪在坐牢。
10. 对…有用;供…使用
His old bike has served him well. 他那辆旧自行车对他很有用。
The box served him as (或 for) a desk. 这只箱子被他用作书桌。
One phone serves the whole building. 整幢房子合用一架电话。
11. 对…足够;使满足
One thousand yuan serves me for a month. 1千元够我用一个月。
Nothing will serve him but absolute submission. 除了绝对服从,什么也不会使他感到满足。
12. 适合(特定用途或目的);满足,符合(需要、愿望等)
a tool that serves many purposes 有多种用途的工具
I haven't got a hammer, but the stone should serve my purpose. 我没有锤子,但这块石头该能达到我的目的。
serve some private ends 满足某些私利
The agreement no longer serves our needs. 这项协议不再符合我们的需要。
13. 对待;对…玩弄(手段等)
He served me ill (cruelly). 他待我不好(残酷)
He served me a dirty trick. 他对我耍卑劣手段。
14. 促进
serve stability (the cause of world peace) 促进稳定(世界和平事业)
15. 送达(令状等);向…送达(令状等)
serve sb. (with) a summons (或 serve a summons on sb.) 向某人送达传票
16. (网球、排球等中)(球)
He served the ball into the net. 他发球不过网。
17. 操作(火炮、机枪等)
18. (女子)求爱
19. (弥撒)中充当助祭
20. (公畜)(母畜)配种
21. 卷缠(绳索等)

II n.

1. 发球
lose five points on serve 发球输5分
He has a powerful serve. 他发球有力。
2. 轮到发球
Whose serve is it? 该谁发球?
3. 所发的球
Her first serve went into the net. 她发的第一个球不过网。
4. 澳口责备
[< OFr servir < L servīre < servus slave]
phr. First come, first served. 见 first
give sb. a serve 澳俚粗暴地对待某人;严斥某人
if (my) memory serves (me) 如果我记得不错的话
serve out 1. 分发
serve out rations (ammunition) 分发口粮(弹药)
2. (或学)(期)满;服满(刑期)
serve out one's period of office 供职到任期结束
serve out one's apprenticeship 学到满师
serve out one's three years in prison 服满3年刑期
3. 向…报复
I'll serve him out for the trick he played on me. 他作弄我,我要给予报复。
4. 赢最后一盘(或一场)
serve round 分发(口粮、弹药等)
serve sb. right 给某人以应得的惩罚
That will serve the brats right. 那将使这些顽童受到应得的惩罚。
It serves (或 Serves, Serve) him right! 他活该!
serve up 1. 端上(食物、饮料等);端上食物(或饮料等)
serve up the main course 上主菜
serve up coffee hot 趁热端上咖啡
serve sb. up a sumptuous dinner 给某人端出丰盛的饭菜
Are you ready to serve up? Everyone is at table. 大家都入席了,你是否可以上菜了?
2. 端出,提供(事实等)
serve up the same old excuse 端出老一套的借口




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