释义 |
in·fer /ɪnˈfɜː(r)/ vt. | vi.(-ferred;-fer·ring) ❶ vt. 1. (根据已知事实等)推断,推定(from) We see smoke and infer fire. 我们看到烟,从而推断有火。 From his grades I inferred that he was a good student. 我根据他的成绩推断,他是个好学生。 2. 猜想,臆测(from) People may infer from an utterance all sorts of things which neither the utterance nor the utterer implied. 人们会从一段发言里臆度出各种各样既非发言本身所包含,又非发言者本人所暗示的意思来。 3. 意味着;暗示;指出,表明 Ragged clothing infers poverty. 衣衫褴褛意味着贫困。 ❷ vi. 作出推论 [< L inferre to bring into, introduce, inflict < ferre to bear¹, carry, bring] |