

单词 separate
释义 sep·a·rate /ˈsepərət/ vt. | vi. | a. | n. | phr.
I /ˈsepəreɪt/

1. 分隔,使隔开
two towns separated by a river 由一条河隔开的两个城镇
England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。
Part of the office is separated off for the use of the manager. 办公室的一部分隔开来供经理使用。
The house has been separated up into different flats. 这所房子已被分隔成几套公寓房间。
2. 分割,划分
separate land (up) into small plots 把土地划分成小块
3. 使分散
The war separated many families. 战争使许多家庭妻离子散。
widely separated homesteads 疏疏落落的农庄
4. 把…分类
separate mail 分拣邮件
separate cards into suits 把纸牌分成同花色的组
5. 把…切断;使分开;使分离
separate a bough from the trunk 把树枝从树干上砍下
He separated the money into two piles. 他把钱分成两堆。
Try to separate out the good apples from the bad ones. 把好苹果和烂苹果分开来。
separate church and state 使政教分离
separate two fighting boys 把两个扭打着的男孩拉开
The child was separated from its mother. 小孩和他的母亲分散了。
6. 把…离析出来,提取
separate out the precious chemical from the substance in which it is found 把宝贵的化学物从它所在的物质中离析出来
separate cream from milk 从牛奶中提取奶油
7. 区分,识别
It is not difficult to separate a butterfly from a moth. 区别蝴蝶和飞蛾并不难。
I am unable to separate (out) the two arguments. 我无法区分这两种论点。
8. 使疏远;使分居
Spiteful gossip separated the two old friends. 恶意的流言蜚语离间了这对老朋友。
He was separated from his wife last month. 上个月他和妻子分居了。
9. 使退役;解雇;免…的职;开除
be separated from the army 从军队退伍
be separated from a firm 被商行解雇
1. 脱离
separate from a church 脱离教会
separate from a federation 退出联盟
2. (夫妻)分居
Her parents separated when she was ten. 她10岁时父母分居了。
3. 分离
The paper has separated from the wall. 纸已从墙上脱落。
Oil and water separate out. 油和水不相溶。
4. (整体)分开
The class separated into several smaller groups to talk about the subject. 班级分成几个小组来讨论这个问题。
The road separates into two here. 道路在这里分岔成两条。
An orange separates up into 10 or 12 pieces. 柑橘通常分成10瓣或12瓣。
5. 断裂
The rope separated under the strain. 绳子拉紧时断裂了。
6. 分手,别离
We had to separate at the crossroads. 在十字路口我们得分手了。

II a.
1. 分开的,不连接的
separate fragments 互不连接的碎片
2. 隔开的
Prisoners are kept separate one from the other. 囚犯相互隔离监禁。
live separate from others 不和他人住在一起
3. 不同的;各别的
Those are separate problems and cannot be handled in the same manner. 那些问题各不相关,不能用同样的方式对待。
the separate parts of the body 身体的各部分
My elder brother and I have separate bedrooms. 我哥哥和我有各自的卧室。
The separate volumes may be had singly. 各卷可以分册购买。
Waiter, we'll have separate checks. 服务员,我们的账单分开结算。
4. 独立的,单独的
two separate houses 两幢独立的房子
make a separate peace 单独媾和
5. [有时作 S-] (教会等团体)分离主义派的

III n.
1. (文章等的)单行本,抽印本
2. [separates]单件衣着(指妇女不配套穿的衣、裙等)
3. [separates](音响系统中的)独立件
[< L sēparāre < sē- apart + parāre to obtain, make equal]
phr. separate but equal 隔离而平等的(指黑白种族隔离但在教育、就业、交通等方面表面上对黑人提供平等待遇的)




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