释义 |
ri·fle² /ˈraɪfl/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 搜劫;劫掠 The burglar rifled the money drawer and made off with his booty. 那撬窃贼搜劫了钱柜,然后携款逃走。 The thieves rifled his pockets of all their contents. 众窃贼把他一只只衣袋内的东西洗劫一空。 rifle sb. of his belongings 把某人财物洗劫一空 2. 偷走;盗走 rifle goods from a shop 偷走商店的货物 He tiptoed to the safe and rifled the million dollar in gold and disappeared. 他蹑行到保险柜,偷了价值100万元的黄金溜之大吉。 ❷ vi. (尤指抱有不良意图)迅速翻查 (through) Someone's been rifling through my drawers, there's some money missing. 有人翻过我的抽屉,我丢了些钱。 Last night the room was broken into and documents were selectively rifled by trained hands. 昨夜,有人闯进房间并用熟练的手法有选择地翻查了文件。 She started to rifle through the contents of her bag. 她开始把手提包里的东西匆匆翻寻一遍。 [< OFr rifler to plunder, scratch < Gmc] |