释义 |
re·tain /rɪˈteɪn/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 保留;保持 retain the right to reply 保留答复的权利 retain effective control over the armed forces 继续有效地控制武装部队 retain the simplicity and shyness of a village girl 保持村姑的单纯和羞怯 If something very substantial is not done next month, he cannot retain his office. 倘若下个月再干不出一番实绩,他就保不住自己的职位了。 She retains a clear memory of her school days. 她对学生时代保持清晰的记忆。 2. 挡住,拦住 The dyke was built to retain the flood waters. 那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。 3. 保存;留住 soil that retains moisture 能保存水分的土壤 China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans do. 瓷菜盆比金属盘留热久。 This vessel won't retain water. 这容器盛不住水。 4. 能记住 retain the tune but not the words of the song 能记住歌的曲调而记不得歌词 Her memory retains everything she reads. 她能过目不忘。 5. 付定金聘定(律师、骑师等);付定金保留 retain sb. as one's legal counsel 聘定某人为法律顾问 retain one's rooms for the holidays 付定金以在外出度假时保留房间 6. (在拍卖获胜马的赛马后)买回(被拍卖的获胜马) ❷ vi. 1. 记事 And then the drink got her and she couldn't retain. 之后,她喝上酒了,从此再也不能记事。 These pupils are not the brightest, and they don't retain very well. 这些学生并非聪敏绝顶,记忆力也不好 2. 〈废〉充当扈从(或侍从)(to) [< OFr retenir < L retinēre < RE- + tenēre to hold]re·tain·a·bil·i·tyrɪˌteɪnəˈbɪlətɪ n. |