释义 |
curse /kɜːs/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (cursed 或 curst /kɜːst/) ❶ vt. 1. 求上帝(或上天)降祸于 2. 使遭难,害,折磨 3. 诅咒;詈骂 curse out one's treacherous ally 诅咒背信弃义的同伙 curse the wretched weather 咒骂恶劣的天气 4. 亵渎,对(神圣事物)说不敬的话 5. 将…逐出教会 ❷ vi. 诅咒;咒骂;亵渎 curse and swear 恶言辱骂 She cursed terribly. 她大肆咒骂。
II n. 1. 诅咒;咒语;骂人的话,咒骂 call down curses upon sb. 祈求上天降祸于某人 a witch putting a curse on sb. 念咒诅咒某人的女巫 be under a curse 受诅咒而遭殃 lay sb. under a curse 诅咒某人 mutter curses at sb. 咒骂某人 His talk was full of vile curses. 他的讲话中充斥着骂人的脏话。 2. (似由诅咒带来的)灾祸,祸害;祸因,祸根 such curses as yaws and malaria 雅司病与疟疾之类的祸害 A curse is on me. My pistol missed fire; my gold gone. 我倒霉透了,手枪打不响,金子又丢了。 make a curse of life to sb. 使某人受苦受难 Insomnia is one of my curses,but not that night. 失眠是让我苦恼透顶的一件事,不过那晚我没失眠。 3. 受诅咒的物(或人) 4. 逐出教会 5. [the curse] 〈口〉月经;月经期 get the curse 来月经 I haven't had the curse for six weeks. 我有6个星期没来月经了。 6. 〈美口〉小子,家伙 7. (钓鱼者用语)小虫,小蚊 [< OE cursian to curse < curs a curse] phr. be cursed with 受…之害 (或苦)be cursed with a violent temper 受暴躁脾气之害 Curse it (或 you)! 该死!天杀的! Curses come home to roost. 诅咒他人者自遭其殃。 |