

单词 bend¹
释义 bend¹ /bend/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (过去式 bent /bent/ bend·ed, 过去分词 bent 或bend·ed)

1. 挽,拉
bend a bow 挽弓
2. 使弯曲;使(被弄弯的东西)恢复原状
He bent the can opener. 他把开罐器弄弯了。
bend the crooked bar straight again 把弯曲的铁条弄平直
3. 使倾侧;使偏斜
bend one's head in prayer 低头祈祷
bent rays emerging from a prism 通过棱镜射出的折光
4. 转移(脚步、目光等)的方向;使(思想等)转向 (on, to, towards)
bend one's steps homeward 转身移步回家
She lost interest in Jim and bent a charming smile on Tom. 她对吉姆不再感兴趣,而把妩媚的笑脸转向汤姆。
bend one's thoughts back towards one's childhood 回想童年时光
5. 使(注意力、精力等)集中(于);使(自己)专注(于) (on, to)
The girl bent her attention on clothing the doll. 女孩专心给玩具娃娃穿衣服。
bend every effort to achieve one's purpose 竭尽全力以求一逞
bend oneself to the work at hand 专心致志于手头的工作
6. 任意歪曲,篡改(规则等)
bend the law to suit one's own purposes 篡改法律使之适合自己的目的
7. 使屈服,使顺从
He is very firm about it; I cannot bend him. 关于此事他态度很坚决,我没法使他通融。
bend one's will to corporate goals 使自己的意志服从公司的目标。
8. 使违法,使不老实;使反常,使乖戾
mind-bending drugs 迷幻毒品
9. 把…用于不正当目的;偷窃;故意输掉(比赛等)
10. 系,缚(帆、绳索等)
bend a sail to its yard 把帆系在桁上
1. 变弯曲
Wire bends easily. 铁丝容易弯曲。
branches bending under the weight of snow 被积雪压弯的树枝
Bend at the knee when you ski downhill. 滑雪下山时要曲膝下蹲。
2. 转弯
The road bent towards the east. 公路折向东方。
3. 俯身 (down, over)
bend down (或 over) and pick up sth. 弯下身子拾起某物
A passing medic bent over the casualty. 一名过路的救护兵俯身察看伤员。
4. 屈服,顺从 (to, before)
He tried to force me to bend to his will. 他试图强迫我顺从他的意志。
bend before the trend of public opinion 顺应舆论的潮流
He bends with the political winds. 他在政治上常看风使舵。
5. 集中全力(于) (to)
sailors bending to the oars 使劲划桨的水手们
6. 倾向(于) (towards)
an individual who always bends towards his own tastes 老是以自己的趣味为出发点的人
My thoughts bent towards home as evening approached. 夜晚来临,我开始想家。

II n.
1. 弯曲;弯;俯
a quick bend of the body 一个快速的弯身动作
2. (河流等的)弯曲处;(物件的)弯曲部分
steer around a bend in the river 驾船绕过河流弯道
3. [bends](木船的)舷侧厚板
4. [常作 the bends][用作单或复](潜水员浮出水面动作过急时形成的)潜函病,减压病
5. 狂饮,纵乐
6. 爱尔兰约会
[<OE bendan to tighten (a bow)]
phr. bend over backwards 见 backwards
catch sb. bending 发现某人有隙可乘
on the bend 英俚
1. 纵酒作乐中
2. 鬼鬼祟祟的(地)
round (或around) the bend 疯狂的
drive sb. around the bend to suicide 逼得某人发疯自杀
take a bend out of 使不再弯曲,使恢复平直;使(动物)疲劳过度而镇静下来




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