释义 |
puff /pʌf/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. 一阵阵地吹(或喷) The bellows puffed on the fire. 风箱一阵阵地煽火。 Can you see the steam puffing out at the top? 你看见顶上一阵阵喷出的蒸汽吗? Fireworks were puffing all round. 四周都在放烟火。 dust puffing up in clouds 阵阵扬起的尘土 2. 喘息,喘气 After running the mile, he was panting and puffing. 他跑完1英里后气喘吁吁。 3. 喷着烟(或蒸汽)移动 The train puffed slowly up the incline. 列车噗哧噗哧缓慢地爬上斜坡。 4. 一口一口地抽烟(或喷烟) He was puffing (away) nervously at (或 on) his pipe. 他紧张不安地一口一口抽着烟斗。 5. 膨胀;肿胀 (out,up) The parachute puffed out. 降落伞张开了。 Her cheeks puffed out like aubergines. 她的双颊鼓得像茄子。 A stung lip puffs up. 被叮的嘴唇会肿起。 6. 趾高气扬;盛气凌人 (out,up) puff at sb.'s remarks 高傲地对某人的话嗤之以鼻 7. 【生】形成染色体的疏松部 ❷ vt. 1. 一阵阵地吹(或喷)(空气、蒸汽、尘土等) Don't puff your tobacco smoke into my face. 别把你吸的烟喷在我脸上。 The dragon puffed fire. 那条龙口中喷火。 He puffed out a few words. 他喘着气说出几句话。 2. 喷着烟(或蒸汽等)行(路) The train puffed its way into the station. 列车吐着烟驶进车站。 3. 吹熄 puff a candle out 把蜡烛吹灭 4. [常用被动语态]使气急 (out) Climbing up the long staircase to his office quite puffed me out. 爬那长楼梯到他办公室去弄得我气喘吁吁。 They arrived somewhat puffed. 他们到达时有点上气不接下气了。 5. 边喷边吸(香烟、烟斗等) He puffed his cigarette seriously. 他神态严肃地抽着香烟。 6. 使膨胀;使肿胀 (out,up) puff out one's cheeks 鼓起双颊 His eyes were puffed from lack of sleep. 他因睡眠不足而两眼浮肿。 7. 使傲慢,使自负 The pompous ass is puffed up by too much money. 这头自以为了不起的蠢驴因为钱多而趾高气扬。 He is puffed up with pride when they gave him his medal. 当他们向他颁发奖章时,他显得得意扬扬。 8. 使成蓬松的圆形(或圆筒形);使松软 puff the hair 把头发梳理成蓬松的圆筒形发卷 puffed sleeves 泡泡袖 9. 吹捧;为(书等)撰写(或刊登)吹捧性短评;为…作广告 He was puffed as a pigeon, but his eyes scavenged like a hawk. 他被说成是一个老实巴交的人,可他的两眼却老是像鹰隼般贪婪地搜索着。 10. (用粉扑)施(粉) 11. 靠搭档故意喊价以抬高(拍卖品)的价格
II n. 1. (一)吹,(一)喷;(空气、烟雾、气味等的)一股;噗的一声 a puff of wind 一阵风 The locomotive let off puffs of steam. 火车头喷出一股股蒸汽。 He blew out three candles with a single puff. 他一口气吹灭了3支蜡烛。 The camels rolled and played in the white dust, raising puffs of cloud. 骆驼在白色的沙土里打滚嬉戏,扬起阵阵尘雾。 2. (抽)一口烟 He took a puff on (或 at) his pipe. 他抽了一口烟斗。 3. 〈口〉喘息,呼吸,气 She had no puff left after climbing the hill. 她爬上那座山后连气也喘不过来了。 4. 膨胀,肿起;隆突;肿胀 With a puff the balloon was blown up and then burst. 气球噗的一下子胀爆了。 5. 松软的一团;(内加衬垫的)蓬松的圆筒形发卷 6. 粉扑 7. 泡芙(一种酥松的西点,内有掼奶油或果酱等馅心) 8. 〈英〉(尤指报纸上刊登的)吹捧性短书评(或商业广告);吹捧 That speech was just so much puff. 那次发言尽是吹捧而已。 9. 〈主美〉(棉、毛、鸭绒等制的)被子 10. (衣服等上的)泡裥 gather a dress into puffs 给女服打泡裥 puff sleeves 泡泡袖 11. 〈俚〉男性同性恋者 12. 〈方〉【植】马勃(菌) 13. 【生】染色体的疏松部
III a. 捧场的,吹捧的 He is going to do a puff job on me. 他正打算对我吹捧一番。 [< OE puffan < 拟声] phr. in all one's puff 〈主英口〉一生中 out of puff 气喘吁吁的 (地),呼吸急促的 (地) puff and blow 〈口〉喘气,呼吸急促 |