

单词 pierce
释义 pierce /pɪəs/ vt. | vi.
1. 刺入;刺穿,刺破
The thorn pierced his heel. 那根刺刺入了他的脚跟。
pierce sb. with a spear 用矛刺某人
2. 穿孔于,打眼于;穿(孔、洞);在(鼻、耳等身体部位)上穿孔
Her ears were pierced. 她扎了耳环孔。
pierce a hole in a piece of leather 在一块皮革上打洞
3. 穿入,突入;穿过;突破
a road that pierces the jungle 穿过丛林的道路。
New hotels pierce the skyline. 幢幢新酒店高耸入云。
pierce the enemy lines 突破敌人防线
4. (声音)进入,响彻,被突然听见;(亮光)照进,穿透,被突然看见
Screams pierced the air. 尖叫声刺破长空。
The sound of the telephone pierced his sleep. 电话铃声把他从睡梦中惊醒。
Moonlight pierced the room. 月光射进房间。
5. (以目光、洞察力等)看透,识破;洞察
pierce the darkness with wild eyes 张大眼睛往黑暗深处看去
pierce a mystery 识破奥秘
She couldn't pierce his thoughts. 她看不透他的心思。
6. (寒冷、忧伤等)强烈地影响,侵彻,深深地打动
The cold pierced their bones. 他们感到寒冷彻骨。
She was pierced with pain. 她痛苦极了。
穿入,进入,透入(to, into, through)
The rocket pierced through space. 火箭穿过太空。
pierce straight to the heart of the matter 直入事情的实质
[< ME percen < OFr percer < L pertundere < per through + tundere to strike]




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