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place /pleɪs/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 地方,地点;场所,所在地 a good place to stay at 暂住的好地方 This is the place where the accident happened. 这就是事故发生处。 2. 地区(如城、镇、村、岛等);居民点 a postcard from a faraway place 从远方寄来的明信片 Moscow is a very cold place in winter. 莫斯科是一座冬季气候严寒的城市。 3. (有特定用途的)场所;餐馆,茶室;公司,办事处 a place of worship 礼拜的场所(如教堂等) have supper in an Italian place 在一家意大利饭馆用晚餐 4. 住所,寓所;(周围有场地的)乡间住宅 Come round to my place this evening. 今晚来我家吧。 He has a place in the country. 他在乡下有一所住宅。 5. [P -][用于广场或较短的街道的名称;略作Pl]广场;街 Hyde Park Place 海德公园广场 6. (身体或物体表面的)部位 a sore place on the leg 腿部的伤痛处 a rough place on the road 道路的崎岖不平处 7. (书刊等的)部分(如段落、页等);正在阅读的地方 This is the place where the story gets most exciting. 这儿是故事情节最引人入胜的段落。 find (lose) one's place 找到(找不到)上次读到的地方 She put the pencil between the pages to hold her place. 她把铅笔放在书页间以免忘掉自己读到什么地方了。 8. 场合;处境;地位 if I were in your place 如果我处于你的地位 9. 合适的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置;适当的时刻(或场合) Put it back in its place. 把它放回原处。 There is no place for doubt. 无可置疑。 This is not the place to discuss compensation. 现在不是讨论赔偿问题的时候。 10. 座位,位子;席位;空位 a place on a plane or ship 飞机或轮船上的座位 11. (社会)地位,等级,身份;重要地位,高位;名望 an aristocrat of power and place 权重位高的贵族 Shakespeare has a high place among English writers. 莎士比亚是一位名望很高的英国作家。 12. 职位;职业;职务,公职 get a place as a clerk in a store 得到一个店员的职位 expose corruption in high places 揭发高官腐败 13. 职责,责任;权利,特权;政权 It was not his place to make official statements. 他无权发表正式声明。 14. 时间段 The performance went too slowly in several places. 演出中有几段太拖沓。 15. (竞赛获得的)名次;(赛马)前几名中的任何一名(英国指前三名;美国指前两名,尤指第二名) win (或 take, get) first place 得第一名 16. (议论等的)层次,步骤 in the second place 其次 17. 【数】位 12 is a two place number. 12是一个两位数。 calculate to three decimal places 计算到小数点后三位 18. 【天】方位,位置 19. 空间;空地,余地 place and time 空间和时间 leave place for 给…留出地方 20. 〈美〉[与 some, any, no 等连用] = where 21. (猎鹰飞的)最高度
II ❶ vt. 1. 放置;安置;安排 place sth. on the table 把某物放在桌上 place a satellite into orbit 把卫星送入轨道 place guards in the corridors 在走廊里设置卫兵 place an advertisement in the newspaper 在报上登广告 Emphasis is placed on studies in science and technology. 重点放在科技研究上。 place sb. in a difficult position 将某人置于困境 Place the words in alphabetical order. 把这些词按字母顺序排列。 2. 为…找到职位,安插,任命;为…找到住处,安置;为(作品)找到出版社 place sb. with a firm 将某人安插在一家公司工作 place sb. in a job 安排某人工作 place sb. as 任命某人为… place a homeless child 安置无家可归的孩子 place a novel 出版小说 3. 说出(或找出)…的地点(或情况等);(联系前后)认出,想起 I knew I had seen him before, but I could not place him. 我当时确信曾见到过他,但记不起来了。 4. 给…确定日期(或年代);给…定等级;评定;估定(价值) place an artifact as Paleolithic 鉴定一件制品为旧石器时代物 a highly placed official 高官 He's a difficult man to place. 很难说他是怎么一个人。 5. 发出(订单等);销售(货物);投(资);存(款) place an order for sth. with a firm 向一家公司订购某物 place a call to sb. 给某人打电话 get the goods placed 把货物售出 place 200 yuan to sb.'s credit 把200元存在某人名下 6. 提出(问题、建议等)以供考虑 The pending debate should be placed before a larger audience. 那个悬而未决的问题应让更多的人来讨论。 7. 寄予(希望等);寄托(信任等)(in, on) place the responsibility on sb. for doing sth. 让某人负责做某事 place faith in sb. 相信某人 8. (赛马结束时)定出(或报出)…的名次(尤指前三名中的任何一名) be placed 得名次 9. (唱歌或讲话时)提高(嗓音),调节(音高) 10. 【足】【橄】踢定位球得(分) ❷ vi. 1. 得名次,名列前茅 He did not place in the Olympics. 他在奥林匹克运动会上没有得到名次。 He placed fifth in a graduation class of 90. 他在90人的毕业班中名列第五。 2. 〈美〉(赛马等)得名次;得第二名 [OFr < L platēa courtyard, 原义 street < Gr plateia (hodos) broad (way) < platus broad; 与 plaza, piazza 有关] phr. all over the place 到处;乱七八糟 look for sth. all over the place 到处找某物 Your handwriting is all over the place. 你的字迹很凌乱。a place in the sun 有利的境遇;显赫的地位 a wide place in the road 〈美俚〉小城镇 fall into place (情况)变得清楚 Pressures are relieved. Things begin to fall into place. 压力解除了,情况开始明朗起来。give place to 1. 给…腾出地方,给…让路 2. 让位于,让…居先,让…接替 It's time he gave place to a younger man. 该是他让位给较年轻的人的时候了。Shame gave place to horror in her looks. 她脸上愧色消失,代之而出现的是惊恐。go places 〈口〉1. 旅行 2. 不断 (或即将)取得成功 in place 1. 在合适的 (或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置 Her hair was held in place by a pin. 她用发叉把头发齐齐夹住。He nodded approvingly, his wide grin still in place. 他点头表示同意,仍然咧着嘴笑。2. 适当的;相称的;适时的 The proposal is not quite in place. 这提议并不十分合乎时宜。in places 在某些地方 The snow was deep, in places, ready to avalanche. 积雪很深,有几处已有崩落的可能。in the first place 1. 作为根本缘由;原先 Why do strikes occur so frequently in coal mines in the first place? 罢工如此频繁地在煤矿发生,究竟是什么原因? It wasn't my idea to go to that school in the first place. Dad shoved me in. 进那所学校压根儿不是我的意思;是爸爸硬要我进的。We don't know how the moon was formed in the first place. 我们不知道月球最初是怎样形成的。2. 第一,首先 (用于列举事项)You can't go swimming. In the first place, the water is too cold; and in the second place, ... 你不能去游泳,首先是水太凉,其次是… in (the) place of 代替,取代;交换 We now have computers in place of typewriters. 我们现在已有计算机取代了打字机。know (或 keep) one's place 知道自己 (低微)的地位而安分守己,守本分;知趣,识相 One of the reasons that adults don't like young people is that they don't know their place. 成年人之所以不喜欢年轻人,其原因之一就是年轻人不知天高地厚。make place for 〈罕〉给…腾出地方 out of place 1. 不在合适的 (或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置 These books are out of place. 这些书放乱了。2. 不适当的;不相称的;不适时的;格格不入的 Your remarks were rather out of place. 你的话有点不合时宜。She felt shy, out of place. 她感到羞怯,别扭。put (或 keep) sb. in his place 使某人安分;煞某人的气焰 The teacher put the boy in his place with just a glance. 老师只投去一瞥就使那男孩规规矩矩了。supply the place of 被用作,充当 Rocks and stumps supplied the place of chairs at the picnic. 岩石和树桩被用作野餐的椅子。take one's place 就座;就位 take one's place at the table 在桌边就座 A new generation of artists is beginning to take its place on the gallery walls. 新一代画家的作品在画廊壁上展出,开始有了自己的地位。take place 发生,产生;进行,举行 When and where does the story take place? 故事发生在何时何地? Learning can take place only when there is motivation. 有了动力,才能学好。The match (meeting) takes place on Thursday. 比赛(会议)定于星期四举行。take the place of 代替,取代 The helicopter may take the place of a car some day. 也许有一天直升机会取代汽车。My brother is ill, and I've come to take his place. 我哥哥病了,我来替他。the other place 〈英〉〈谑〉那所大学 (在剑桥大学指牛津大学;在牛津大学指剑桥大学) |