释义 |
con·sid·er /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ vt. | vi. | phr. ❶ vt. 1. 考虑,细想 consider a suggestion 考虑一个建议 consider moving to the city 考虑迁到这个城里去 He is considering you for the job. 他在考虑让你做这工作。 2. 认为,把…看作;想,料想;断定 He is considered (to be) an authority. 他被认为是权威。 They considered the house (to be 或 as) beautiful. 他们认为那房子很美。 He considers himself lucky to be alive after the plane crash. 他认为他自己在飞机坠毁后还活着很幸运。 consider thrift essential 认为节约是必要的 We consider that the plaintiff is not guilty. 我们断定原告是无辜的。 3. 体贴,关心;考虑到,顾及 We must consider his physical condition. 我们必须考虑到他的身体条件。 Her health is good if you consider her age. 考虑到她的年纪,她身体还算好的。 4. 看重,尊重 5. 细看;凝视 The old gentleman considered him attentively. 那老先生全神贯注地打量他。 6. 权衡(行动步骤、要求等)的得失;考虑(候选人等)的功过 7. 〈废〉酬报,酬谢 8. 〈废〉估计 ❷ vi. 考虑,细想 Take time to consider before you rush into anything. 宁愿从容考虑,不要仓促行事。 Consider carefully before doing anything. 三思而行。 [< OFr considerer < L consīderāre to inspect closely; 原义: to observe the stars < sīdus star] phr. all things considered 从各方面考虑起来,通盘考虑起来 |