释义 |
per·ceive /pəˈsiːv/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 感知,感觉;察觉 He was only able to perceive light and colour; he could not see properly. 他只能感觉光和色,但是看不真切。 She perceived that he was tired. 她发现他累了。 The diners perceived a faint aroma of dill. 用膳的人们闻出一点小茴香的淡淡香味。 2. 认识到,意识到;理解 He may perceive himself a loser. 他可能意识到自己已是个失败者了。 Do you perceive what I mean? 我的意思你明白了吗? He soon perceived that his job would be difficult. 他很快就知道他的差使不好干。 3. 把…看作,认为 He is perceived as a religious man. 众人认为他是个虔诚的教徒。 ❷ vi. 1. 感知,感觉;察觉 2. 认识到,意识到;理解 [< OFr perçoivre < L percipere to seize entirely <PER-+ capere to grasp] |