

单词 never
释义 nev·er /ˈnevə(r)/ ad. | phr.
1. 从不,从无,从未;永不,永无
I've never read the book and I never will read it. 这本书我从没读过,也永远不会去读。
There is never a week without his finding fault with me. 他从来没有一个星期不找我的岔子。
The old man never has been known to lose his dignified manner in a crisis. 从不见这位老先生在危急时刻丧失过尊严的风度。
Never (,never) shall I forget your kindness. 你的恩情我永志难忘。
She had a small mouth, with never a trace of lipstick. 她的樱桃小口从未抹过一丝口红。
2. 决不,根本不;千万不;丝毫不
He is never likely to succeed. 他决不可能成功。
You will never catch the train tonight. 你今晚绝对赶不上火车。
I never remember her winning. 我压根儿不记得她赢过。
You never can tell. 谁也说不准。
Never forget to lock the door at night. 千万不要忘记晚上锁门。
The dirty shirt never will do. 这件脏衬衫无论如何穿不出去。
3. 不,没有(与动词的一般过去时连用,= did not)
The summit never took place. 峰会并未举行。
Good gracious! I never knew that. 天哪!我不知道那件事。
4. 英口[表示惊异或不信]不会,不可能
You never left the key in the lock! 你总不会把钥匙留在锁孔上吧!
A: What do you think? The old miser has given five pounds to the fund. B: Never! 甲:你倒是怎么想的? 那个老吝啬鬼还为基金捐了5镑钱。乙:这不可能!
[<OE nǣfre<ne not + æfre ever]
phr. as never before 前所未有地,空前地
Shipping and commerce flourished as never before. 航运业和商业空前地繁荣起来。
Better late than never. 见 better¹
do a never 开小差;磨洋工
It is never too late to mend. 见 mend
never a(或 an) 绝无…
say never a word about 关于…只字不提
never a one 见 one
never ever 永不,永无;从不,从未
He was ordered never ever to do that again. 他得到吩咐无论如何再也不要做那样的事了。
She never ever wears a hat. 她从来不戴帽子。
He never won anything, ever. 他从没赢过,从来没有。
never fear 见 fear
Never is a long time(或 word, day). “决不”两字莫轻言。(用于批评他人过早把话说绝)
never mind 见 mind
never say die 见 die¹
never so [常用于让步从句]前所未有地;不管怎样;极其
The task was beyond him, though he worked never so hard. 尽管他异常卖力,但这工作超过了他的能力所及。
never so much as 甚至不,甚至没有
He never so much as said “Thanks”. 他甚至连谢都不谢一声。
never the [后接形容词或副词比较级] 丝毫不,并不
He was never the wiser for his experience. 他虽经一事但并不长一智。
now or never 见 now
Well, I never (did)! [表示惊异]我真没想到(或听到,见到)
Well, I never! It's Mr. Oliver. I am pleased to meet you. 真没想到,是奥利佛先生。很高兴见到您。




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