

单词 swamp
释义 swamp /swɒmp,swɔːmp/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. 沼泽;沼泽地
wade for hours in a cold swamp 在冰冷的沼泽里跋涉几小时
2. 进退两难的困境
a muddy financial swamp 难以移步的财政困境
3. 煤层聚水洼

II vt.
1. 使陷入沼泽(或深水等)
The horses were swamped in the stream. 这些马陷在河里。
2. 使(船)灌水下沉
Sudden heavy seas swamped the ship. 汹涌的海浪吞没了那艘船。
3. 淹没;浸没;浸湿
Everything in the boat was swamped. 船上所有的东西都浸水了。
4. [常用被动语态]使困顿,难倒;压倒
be swamped by debt 为债务所困
We were swamped with telephone calls after our advertisement was put in the paper. 自从在报纸上登了广告后,我们的电话应接不暇。
be swamped with (或 in) letters (applications, work) 信件(申请书,工作)多得难以招架
5. (以极大的数量或数目)吞没,使不见,使不受注意,使不起作用
The British effort was swamped. 英国所作的努力全然白费。
6. 彻底击败,击溃
He was swamped 59 to 35. 他以35比59被击败。
7. 清除;(为开辟运材道或从集材道上运出木材)在…中清除林下灌丛(或伐木等)(通过清除林下灌丛等)开辟 (out)
swamp out 4 small oak logs 清除4根小栎木
The clearing was swamped in three days. 林中空地在3天里得到了清理。
8. (在伐木工棚或锯木厂等处)(伐倒木)修截成原木
9. 澳俚搭车赶(路)
1. (因灌水而)下沉;被浸没,被淹没
Their boat swamped. 他们的船被淹。
2. 陷入沼泽(或水中)
3. 陷入困境;被压倒,无法招架;变得无用
4. 澳俚(为换取搭载行囊等而)帮着赶牛车
[< ? MD somp sump; 与 MHG sumpf, ON svōppr sponge, Gr somphos spongy 有关]




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