

单词 loss
释义 loss /lɒs;lɔːs/ n. | phr.
1. 遗失;丧失;损失(额)
She told the police about the loss of her jewellery. 她向警方报告自己失落珠宝的事。
loss of appetite (health) 丧失胃口 (健康)
loss of confidence in oneself 自信心的丧失
take (suffer) a major loss 承担 (遭受) 重大损失
the loss of about 120 lives in a plane crash 飞机失事中约120人的丧生
The plane was blown up with total loss of life. 飞机被炸,机上人员全部罹难。
2. 损失(指人或物)
He'll be no (a great) loss when he goes. 他若离去根本不是什么损失 (损失可就大了)
3. 减少;下跌
loss of weight 体重减少
The latest dollar loss against the yen was great. 美元对日元比值的最近一次下跌幅度很大。
4. 毁损,毁灭;被毁的东西
His house was a complete loss to the fire. 他的房子在大火中化为灰烬。
5. 失败,输;失利
the loss of a battle 败北
the loss of a bet 赌输
6. 错过;浪费
a minimum loss of time 最低限度的时间浪费
7. 亏损,亏蚀;[有时作 losses]亏损额
make a loss on those shoes 在那批鞋子生意中亏本
His first week of business ended in a huge loss. 他第一周的营业大大亏损。
The firm reported losses in excess of a million. 这家商行报出超过百万的亏损额。
8. [losses] 兵员损失,伤亡及被俘人员数;兵器(如舰艇、飞机)损失
9. 损耗
10. 导致赔付要求的事件,险损(指投保人死亡、受伤或财产损失)(保险公司应付的)险损赔偿额
[< OE los ruin, dissolution]
phr. at a loss 1. 亏本地
He sold the goods at a loss. 他亏本出售货物。
Production costs are too high, and so the mines are operating at a loss. 生产成本太高,所以各矿井都是在亏本经营。
2. 困惑不解;茫然不知所措
I was at a complete loss as to how I could lay my hands on the money. 至于怎么弄到钱,我心里全然没谱。
I was at a loss to understand what he alluded to. 我无法领会他谈话中所指的是什么。
A good salesman is never at a loss for words. 一个好推销员永远不会找不到话说的。
cut one's losses 趁损失不大马上住手,止损;趁早撒手
Timid bankers cut their losses at the first difficulty. 胆怯的银行家们一见困难的端倪就撒手退缩。
throw for a loss 1. 美橄擒抱摔倒 (对方球员) 逼使后退
2. 美口使震惊;困扰,使苦恼,使担忧
It threw Sam for a loss when he learned his wife had died in a traffic accident. 萨姆听到妻子已在交通事故中丧生,万分震惊。
He was thrown for a loss when he lost his job. 他丢了工作,感到很担忧。
without (any) loss of time 立即,马上




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