释义 |
in·scribe /ɪnˈskraɪb/ vt. 1. 刻;雕 His name was inscribed on the ring. 他的名字刻在戒指上。 The gravestone was inscribed with the name and dates of the dead youth. 墓碑上刻着这位已故青年的名字和生卒日期。 2. 题写;写;印 Will you inscribe your name in the book? 可以请你在这本书上签名吗? streamers inscribed with slogans in both Chinese and English 写有中英文标语的横幅 3. 题献,题赠(书、画或照片等) inscribe a book to a friend 把一本书题赠给朋友 4. 牢记,铭记 My father's words are inscribed on (或 in) my memory. 父亲的话我时刻铭记在心。 5. 〈英〉登记(公债等)持有人的名字 6. 【数】使内切;使内接 a regular polygon inscribed in a circle 圆的内接正多边形 7. 〈古〉把(某人的名字)登记入册;注册 |