

单词 justify
释义 jus·ti·fy /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ vt. | vi. | phr.
1. 证明…正当(或有理、正确);为…辩护;辩明;是为…的正当理由
The pursuit of good ends does not justify the employment of bad means. 追求的目的正当并不证明可以使用不好的手段。
The welcome he received amply justified his visit. 他所受到的欢迎充分证明他的出访是值得的。
Does this justify you (或 your) taking legal action? 难道这能证明你诉诸法律是有理的吗?
Such behaviour is justified on these grounds. 根据这些理由可以说明这种行为是正当的。
justify oneself for one's conduct 为自己的行为辩解
He is fully justified in leaving the matter at that. 他有充分的理由把事情只做到那一步为止。
Your state of anxiety does not justify your being so rude to me. 你心情焦急不能成为你对我如此粗暴的理由。
2. 证明…无罪;开释
The constable was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self-defence. 警察出于自卫枪击逃犯的行为被判明无罪。
3. 证明(自己)有资格作保;证明有资格作(保)
justify bail 宣誓证明保人有财力作保
4. 使称义
5. (填入空铅等)使齐行;整理…的版面
6. 调整
1. 证明合法;(以充分的理由)辩解
2. 证明有资格作保证人(或保释人);宣誓证明自己有财力作保
3. 排整齐;把版面整理得符合要求
[<OFr justifier < L justificāre < jūstus just, right + facere to make, to do]
phr. The end justifies the means. 见 end¹




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