释义 |
pas·sage¹ /ˈpæsɪdʒ/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 经过,通过;(时间等的)消逝,推移 The wind of the train's passage ruffled his hair. 列车驶过的一阵疾风弄乱了他的头发。 Every metal has its own resistance to the passage of an electrical current through it. 每一种金属在电流通过时都会产生阻力。 Their friendship has survived the passage of time. 他们的友谊经受住了时间的考验。 2. 迁移;过渡 the passage from barbarism to civilization 从野蛮状态到文明开化的过渡 3. 通过权;通过自由(或许可) be granted (denied 或 refused) passage through a country 被准许(拒绝)通过某国 4. (法案等的)通过 secure passage of a law 获得一项法律的通过 5. (乘船或飞机的)旅行,旅程,航程;长途旅程的费用 The ships were going to make a passage. 这些船将要出航。 He boarded a steamer, and took passage for Shanghai. 他登上一艘轮船,前往上海。 book a passage 订购船票 buy passage on the next plane to New York 买下一班去纽约的飞机票 He worked his passage by doing jobs on the ship. 他在船上打工以抵偿旅费。 6. 走廊,过道;通路,通道;航道 At the end of the narrow passage was a bathroom. 狭窄过道的尽头是一间浴室。 carve a passage through the crowd 在人群中挤出一条路 7. (人体内的)道,通道 the front passage 阴道 the respiratory passages 呼吸道 8. [passages] (两人间)交换的言辞;争论;互殴 They had angry passages with each other during the debate. 他们在辩论中恶言相向。 9. (文章、讲话等的)一段,一节;(绘画等艺术作品的)细节,细部 Read the following passage and answer the questions below. 阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。 the finest passages in Shakespeare's plays 莎士比亚戏剧中最精彩的段落 10. 【音】经过句;段落 a long solo passage 长段独奏 11. 排便 12. 【医】(病原体等的)继代移种(法),传代 13. 〈废〉死亡 14. 〈古〉事件
II ❶ vi. 1. 航行,旅行;横渡 passage to Europe 航行去欧洲 2. 争吵;殴斗 ❷ vt. 【医】使(病毒等)继代移种,使传代 [OFr < passer to pass] phr. a passage of (或 at) arms 交战,交锋;互殴;争论 |