释义 |
in·sist /ɪnˈsɪst/ vi. | vt. ❶ vi. 1. 坚持,坚决认为;强调 (on,upon) He insisted on the accuracy of his account. 他坚持他的说法准确无误。 He insists on it that he is innocent. (或: He insists on his innocence.) 他坚持他是无罪的。 insist on the importance of being honest 强调诚实的重要性 2. 坚决主张;坚决要求,一定要 (on,upon) insist on going to war 坚决主战 insist on punctuality 坚决要求准时 He insists on driving her home. 他一定要开车送她回家。 I insist on being present (或 on my being present, on my presence). 我一定要出席。 I insist upon it that he go (或 should go, must go, shall go). 我一定要他去。 3. 〈古〉被放置 (on,upon) 4. 〈古〉不屈不挠;紧随不舍 (in,on) ❷ vt. 1. 坚持,坚决认为 He insists that he is innocent. 他坚持他是无罪的。 He insisted that you were present. 他坚持说你是在场的。 He insists them to be common criminals. 他坚持他们是普通刑事犯。 2. 坚决主张;坚决要求,一定要 Congress has insisted that the constitution (should) be amended. 国会坚决主张修改宪法。 He insisted that we accept these gifts. 他一定要我们把礼物收下。 He had decided to insist that she not accompany him. 他打定主意,坚决不让她陪伴自己。 [< L insistere to stand upon, urge < IN-¹ + sistere to stand] |