

单词 inquire
释义 in·quire /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ vi. | vt. | phr.
1. 打听,询问
inquire of sb. about (或 concerning, in regard to) sth. 向某人打听某事
I inquired of all that were present. 我向所有在场的人打听。
Please inquire at the next door. 请问隔壁那家。
2. 查问,查究,调查(into)
The police inquired into her background. 警方审查了她的历史。
A government cannot inquire into religious conviction. 政府不可以过问宗教信仰。
1. 打听,询问
inquire sb.'s name (address, telephone number) 打听某人姓名(住址,电话号码)
He inquired what the weather was likely to be. 他问天气趋势如何。
He inquired (of the girl) the way to the railway station.(向女孩)询问去火车站怎么走。
2. 查问;调查
3. 找,寻求
Well-known to me the palace you inquire. 你要找的那座宫殿,我很熟悉。
4. 讯问,问出,查出(out)
inquire out the deployment of the enemy troops 经审问探出敌军的兵力部署情况
[<L inquīrere < IN-¹ + quaerere to seek]
phr. inquire after 问候,问好
Have they inquired after me? 他们可曾向我问好?
I called at his house to inquire after his health. 我到他家去向他问候。
inquire for 1. 要找(某人),求见
inquire for the manager 求见经理
A man has been inquiring for you at the gate. 大门口有人等着要见你。
2. 要买(某物);要求得到
inquire for a particular book at a bookstore 向书店询问有没有某本书出售
Several people have been inquiring for the new catalogue. 好几个人曾来索取新的商品目录。
inquire within 欲知详情请进内询问




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