

单词 night
释义 night /naɪt/ n. | a. | int. | phr.
I n.
1. 夜,夜晚
a sleepless night 不眠之夜
Christmas night 圣诞之夜
a hot night 炎热的一夜
the election night 竞选之夜
on subsequent nights 在以后的几夜
on the cold, snowy night of March 5, 1770 在1770年3月5日大雪纷飞的寒夜
work five nights a week 一周工作5夜
Can you stay over night? 你能在这儿过夜吗?
Where were you last night (the night of August 12)? 昨天(8月12日)夜里你在哪儿?
Are you doing anything (on) Saturday night? I'd like to take you to a movie. 你星期六晚上有事吗? 我想带你去看电影。
The night was very still. 夜阑人静。
Saturday is our cinema night. 星期六晚上是我们看电影的时间。
2. 黑夜,夜色
under cover of night 在黑夜的掩护下(或趁着黑夜)
look at the night 观看夜色
Night begins to fall. 夜幕开始降临。
In the east night slackened. 东方,夜色渐渐褪去。
3. 夜晚的工作;夜晚的经历(或活动)(演出的)夜场
He began his night at eleven. 他夜里11点钟开始工作(或活动)
They can serve over 1500 covers on a big night. 忙的时候他们一个晚上可以供应1500客。
I saw the play on the (或 its) opening (或 first) night. 这出戏上演首晚我就看了。
We had a Beethoven night yesterday evening. 昨晚我们听了贝多芬音乐专场。
4. 黑暗,阴暗;昏天黑地;黑暗时期
Night turned to day on his face. 他阴沉的脸色变得开朗起来。
the night of the soul 心灵上的阴郁
the night of ignorance and barbarism 无知和野蛮的黑暗年代
5. 黄昏,傍晚
They didn't reach home before night. 他们天黑才到家。
6. 遮掩,隐蔽

II a.
1. 夜晚的,夜间的
the night hours 夜晚时刻
night flying 夜间飞行
night stars 夜空的繁星
night poetry 夜景诗
night air (noises) 夜晚的空气(嘈杂声)
take the night train 乘夜车
I'm on night duty tonight. 今晚我值夜班。
2. 夜晚使用的
the night number 夜间专用号码
a night lamp 夜灯
3. 夜晚活动的;夜间工作的
a night person (喜爱)夜间工作的人(或夜游神)
the night staff 夜班人员
She is a night nurse. 她是值夜班的护士。

III int.
晚安!(= Good night)
[<OE niht; 与 OHG naht, L nox, Gr nux 有关]
phr. a dirty night 雨夜,暴风雨之夜
a late night 晚睡
I can't afford to have another late night this week. 这星期我再熬夜可吃不消了。
all night(long) 彻夜地,通宵地
Heat was provided all night long. 暖气通宵供应。
all right on the night (戏剧节目等)初次公演成功的
The play turned out all right on the night. 这出戏初次上演就获成功。
an early night 早睡
look forward to an early night 盼着早些睡
You look pretty tired. Better have an early night. 你看上去很累,还是早些睡吧。
a night off 不工作的一夜
I'll get (或 take, have) a night off. 我要歇一个夜晚。
This evening is the cook's night off. 今晚厨师休假。
a night out 1. 外出的一夜;在外玩乐的一夜
moles on a night out 夜里出洞的田鼠
They increasingly like to eat on their night out. 他们越来越喜欢晚上外出吃宵夜。
We can't have our night out tonight. 今晚我们不能出去。
2. = a night off
at night 在晚上;在夜里
6 o'clock at night 晚上6点钟
He is in the habit of staying up late at night to read. 他习惯于夜读。
at nights 夜里经常地
I cannot sleep at nights. 我夜里经常失眠。
be on nights 上夜班;夜间工作
black(或 dark) as night 漆黑一团的,乌黑的
by night 在夜里,趁黑夜
These small animals sleep by day and hunt by night. 这些小动物昼伏夜出猎食。
call it a night 今晚就到此结束
I'm tired; let's call it a night and go to bed. 我累了,今晚就这样了,睡吧。
have a good (bad) night 一夜睡得好(不好)
She had another bad night last night. 昨晚她又没有睡好。
in the night 在夜间;在半夜里
There was a thunderstorm in the night. 夜里下了场雷暴雨。
I woke up twice in the night. 我半夜醒了两次。
into the night 1. 进入茫茫黑夜
vanish into the night 消失在茫茫黑夜中
2. 直到夜里
work (talk, read, write) late into the night 一直工作(谈,读,写)到深夜
make a night of it 痛快地玩一晚上,欢闹一夜
make a night of it by going for a meal and seeing a late film 晚上吃一顿再看夜场电影乐它一乐
night after night 一夜又一夜;每夜
He goes out drinking night after night. 他夜夜出去喝酒。
night and day 日日夜夜,夜以继日
work night and day 日夜不停地工作
Doctors are available night and day. 医生不分昼夜随叫随到。
night in, night out = night after night
of a (或the) night (或of nights)往往在夜晚;往往在半夜
o' nights = on nights
on nights 夜里经常地;晚上经常地
sb.'s night to howl 某人得以尽情欢乐之夜
spend the night with 同…一起过夜(常指男女发生性关系)
stay the night 住过夜
turn night into day 把黑夜当白天,开夜车;玩通宵
What is done by night appears by day. 若要人不知,除非己莫为。




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