释义 |
in /ɪn/ prep. | ad. | a. | n. | vt. | phr. I prep. 1. [表示地点、场所、部位等]在…里面,在…之内;在…上 in Europe 在欧洲 in Australia (Hamburg) 在澳大利亚(汉堡) in a big box 在大箱子里 in a ship 在船上 in the street 在街上 sit in the corner of the room 坐在房间的角落里 be wounded in the leg 腿部受伤 flags waving in the wind 迎风飘扬的旗帜 in a crowd 在人群中 a character in a story 故事中的一个人物 in the shade (dark, open) 在阴凉处(黑暗中,露天) She had a newspaper in her hand. 她手中拿着一张报纸。 2. [表示时间]在…期间;在…过程中;在(一段时间)之内;过…之久 in the night-time 在夜间 in the eighteenth century 在18世纪 early in spring 在早春 in sb.'s absence 当某人不在时 In crossing the street he was run over. 他在穿越马路时被汽车撞倒。 I haven't seen your father in a long time. 我已经好久没见到你父亲了。(注意:此为美语用法) The class is in five minutes. 5分钟之内就要上课了。 This is my first visit to their home in five years. 这是我5年来第一次去他们家作客。 I'll come back in one year. 我1年后回来。 3. [表示领域、范围]在…之内;在…方面,关于 A ship is in sight. 一艘船已入视界。 be equal in distance 距离相等 He was boyish in his humour. 他有点小孩脾气。 be blind in one eye 一只眼睛失明 the latest (thing) in watches 最时新的手表 a book in British literature 一本有关英国文学的书 4. [表示状态、情况]处于…中 The joke is in poor taste. 这个笑话趣味低级。 a book in the original 原版书 be in great excitement 处于极度兴奋之中 a cow in calf 怀犊的母牛 be in liquor 喝醉了 5. [表示职业、活动等]从事于 be in films 从影 be in business 经商 be in hospital 住(医)院 be in school 求学 be in prison for stealing 因偷窃而坐牢 They were in a search for truth. 他们在探求真理。 6. [表示形式、方式、排列等]以,按照;符合于 stand in a circle 站成圆圈 speak in a whisper 低声讲话 Her hair was combed back in a bun. 她的头发往后梳成一个髻。 They came in threes and fours. 他们三五成群地到来。 arrange in alphabetic order 按字母顺序排列 a symphony in G G调交响曲 In my opinion, you should go. 我认为你应该去。 7. [表示表达方式、手段和原材料等]用;以 a letter written in English 一封用英语写的信 words underlined in red ink 下面有红墨水划线的词 broadcast in six languages to the world 用6种语言向全世界广播 pay in cash 付现款 a statue in bronze 铜像 a garment made in nylon 尼龙衣 8. [表示服饰等]穿着;戴着;带着 a young man in a tweed suit 穿花呢服的年轻人 a girl in pigtails 梳辫子的姑娘 a man in glasses 戴眼镜的男子 be in irons 带着镣铐 9. [表示数量、程度、比例]以,按;从…中 in large numbers 众多 The tourists arrived in (their) thousands. 旅游客成千上万地涌到。 a probability of one in ten at most 至多1/10的可能性 You can save up to 10 pence in the pound. 你每1镑最多可节约10便士。 10. [表示能力、性格、含量等]在…之中;在…身上 There is something in what you say. 你讲的话有点道理。 a virus known to cause bird flu in chickens 被认为能在鸡身上引起禽流感的病毒 She saw in the girl some likeness to her daughter. 她在这女孩身上看到某种与自己女儿相似的地方。 11. [表示同一性]即,就是 He was quick to recognize in Rock a dangerous antagonist. 他敏感地发现罗克乃是一个危险的对手。 They all possess, in the atomic bomb, a powerful weapon. 他们都拥有强大的武器——原子弹。 12. [表示方向]向,朝 flee in all directions 四处逃窜 13. [表示动作的方向或结果]入…中;成,为 Let's go in the house. 我们进屋去吧。 throw sth. in the fire 把某物扔进火里 set the machine in motion 开动机器 He tore the paper in two. 他把纸撕成两半。 break in pieces 裂成碎片 14. [表示原因、目的]由于;为了;作为 cry in pain 痛得哭叫 act in one's defence 为了自卫而采取行动 What did you give him in return? 你给他什么作为回报? 15. [表示动作的对象]于 engage in politics 从事于政治 I believe in you. 我信任你。
II ad. 1. 进,入 You may go in to see her now. 你现在可以进去看她了。 invite visitors in 请进客人 He opened the bag and put the money in. 他打开包,把钱放了进去。 2. 朝里;向(或至)某地;向某一方向;在附近,接近 He phoned in to say that he would not come. 他打电话来说他不来了。 Please write in with your ideas and views. 请把你的想法和意见写信告诉我们。 These eggs are just in from the country. 这些蛋是刚从乡下运来的。 He flies in today. 他今天飞抵这里。 The children play close in. 小孩们总是在附近一带玩耍。 The enemy closed in. 敌人逼近了。 3. 在里面 He was locked in. 他被锁在里面。 a coat with the woolly side in 一件羊毛里子的上衣 4. (加)入;(搀)入 I'll paint in the sky later. 过后我再把天空加画上去。 put some sugar in 加进些糖 mix in the flour 把面粉搀和进去 5. 在屋里;在家;在办公室 Is Mr. Smith in? 史密斯先生在吗? Let's spend the evening in watching TV. 晚上我们待在家里看电视吧。 have sb. in for dinner 邀某人来家吃饭 6. (运气等)在好转;(潮)在上涨 7. 在朝,当政;当选 The vote put the Democrats in. 投票结果民主党当选执政。 8. (火等)燃烧着;(灯)亮着 Do you keep the fire in all night? 你让火整夜不熄吗? 9. 【板】轮到击球;【网】(球)在界内 10. 同意;一致;相称 fall in with sb.'s plan 同意某人的计划 11. (油井)产油中 The well has come in. 这口油井已开始出油。 12. 〈苏格兰〉〈新西兰〉(学校)在上课
III a. 1. 在里面的;朝里面的 the in part of a mechanism 机械装置的内部 an in door 往里开的门 2. 在朝的,执政的 the in party 执政党 3. (季节)已来到的;(车、船等)进站的,抵港的;已到达的 the in train 进站的火车 Is the mail in? 邮件到了吗? 4. 用于收入物的 an in tray 收文篮 5. 〈口〉赶时髦的;时髦的,流行的;(瓜果等)上市的 the in crowd 赶时髦阶层 It was an in thing to do. 那是件极时髦的事。 6. 〈口〉限于小圈子的 7. 〈口〉赚进的 be in a hundred U.S. dollars 赚进100美元 8. 已完成的;已收进的;已计算的 The wheat crop is safely in. 小麦已妥善收进。 The votes are in. 选票已统计就绪。 9. 被接受的;可接受的;有成功把握的 By the end of the performance the actor was in. 待到演出结束,这位演员肯定成功无疑了。 10. 【板】轮到击球的;【网】(球)在界内的 11. 〈美俚〉被捕的;在蹲监狱的 Come along now, you're in. 跟我走,你被捕了。
IV n. 1. [常作 ins] 在朝派;执政者 a matter of ins versus outs 执政党与在野党对峙较量的问题 The election made him an in. 这次选举使他成为执政者。 2. 〈美口〉(与重要人物的)交情;影响;门路 He had some sort of special in with the police. 他与警方有某种特殊的交情。 3. (网球等运动中的)界内球V (inned;in·ning) vt. 〈主英方〉 1. 收进,收获 in the hay before it rains 赶在下雨之前收进干草 2. 围住;包住
phr. be in at 在场 If there's any mischief afoot, he is sure to be in at it. 要是有什么捣鬼的事,必定有他的份。be in for 1. 肯定会经历,注定要遭受 That country is in for a prolonged period of instability. 那个国家免不了要经历一个漫长的动荡时期。She is in for a second disaster. 她肯定还要遭到一场劫难。be in for a scolding 准挨一顿臭骂 2. 参加 (竞赛等)be in for a race 参加赛跑 be in for it 1. 骑虎难下,没有退路 Now that you are in for it, you must carry on. 你既然沾上了手,就得干下去。2. 势必受罚,势必倒霉;陷入困境 The children knew they were in for it. 孩子们知道他们肯定要受处罚了。be in like Flynn 〈美俚〉(可)被接受 be in on it 〈口〉熟悉内情 be in with sb. 1. 与某人友好相处 They are in with one another. 他们相互之间友好相处。2. 与某人结伙;深得某人欢心 (或信任)He's well in with the mayor. 他与市长交情很深。be on the in 〈美口〉掌握内情 get in with sb. 1. 开始与某人友好相处 2. 开始与某人结伙;开始得到某人欢心 (或信任)He got in with that rather disreputable clique. 他与那个名声相当臭的小集团开始厮混在一起。have it in for sb. 〈口〉对某人怀有仇恨;伺机报复某人 have it in one 有能力 I'll work for you day and night, I have it in me. 我愿日夜为你工作,我有这个能耐。He didn't have it in him to cheat. 他这人不会骗人。in all 见 all in and out of 为…的常客 in between 见 between in it 见 it in on 〈口〉参预…的;对…有所闻的 The police are in on the case. 警方在查办这个案件。 He should be let in on secrets. 应该让他也知道秘密。 ins and outs 1. 迂回曲折 I know all the ins and outs of the short way to the camp. 我对通往营地的那条弯弯曲曲的近路很熟悉。 2. 〈口〉复杂详情,底细 We had to discuss all the ins and outs of the proposals. 我们得讨论这些提议的所有细节。 He knows ins and outs of every political move. 他对每个政治行动的底细都很了解。 3. 执政党与在野党 4. 经常进出于贫民习艺所的贫儿们 in so far as 见 far in that 见 that In with you! 〈口〉进去! keep in with sb. 〈口〉 1. 保持同某人友好相处 2. 保持同某人结伙;始终不失某人欢心(或信任) [OE; 与 OHG in, L in, Gr en 有关] |