

单词 leaf
释义 leaf /liːf/ n. | vi. | vt. | a. | phr.
I ([复] leaves /liːvz/)

1. 叶,叶子;[总称]茶叶,烟叶
The plant's red berries remain long after the leaves have fallen. 这种植物的红色浆果在叶子脱落后很久还留在枝上。
as insigificant and slight as an autumn leaf 像秋天残叶那样无足轻重
All my old buddies were gone, I was the last leaf. 我的一些老伙伴都离去了,我是硕果仅存者。
choice tobacco leaf 上等烟叶
2. 长叶
The trees are in (或 are coming into) leaf. 树木在长叶子了。
3. 花瓣(尤指玫瑰)
a rose leaf 玫瑰花瓣
4. (书刊等的)张,叶,页(用作印刷术语,指正反两页)
take a leaf out of the book 将书撕下一页
turn the leaves of a book 翻动书页
5. 薄金属片(尤指金、银)[总称]
cover the image of Buddha with gold leaf 在佛像上贴上金箔
6. (桌子的)活动面板
We put two extra leaves in the table for the dinner. 我们为了这次晚宴给餐桌加了两块活动面板。
7. (门、窗等的)
8. (片弹簧的)簧片
9. 薄片,薄层;(猪肉等的)板油层
10. 叶,叶状器官(或结构)
11. 叶饰
12. (开合桥的)一翼;(步枪的)瞄准尺
13. 英方帽边
14. 皂片
15. 军俚假期;(美陆、空军)少校军官

II vi.
1. 生叶片,长叶 (out)
Chestnuts are just leafing in the spring sun. 栗树在春天的阳光下正绽出新叶。
The seedling just leafed out. 树苗刚长出叶来。
2. 翻书页
1. 在…上长叶 (out)
The trees were all leafed out. 树上都长满树叶了。
2. (书页);匆匆翻阅(书、杂志等)
He leafed his notes a final time. 他最后一次翻阅一下自己的笔记。

III a.
1. 叶的;叶状的
leaf fibre 叶状纤维
2. [常用以构成复合词]有…叶的
clover-leaf 苜蓿叶式(立体)交叉
phr. borrow a leaf from (或 out of) sb.'s book (或 notebook) = take a leaf from (或 out of) sb.'s book (或 notebook)
leaf through草草浏览,匆匆翻阅
I've just leafed through the article. 我刚刚草草读完那篇文章。
He leafed through the problems in his mind. 他在脑海里把问题匆匆逐一考虑一番。
leaves without figs 空谈
shake (或 tremble) like a leaf (尤指因恐惧而)剧烈颤抖
take a leaf from (或 out of) sb.'s book (或 notebook) 学某人的样,以某人为榜样
You ought to take a leaf out of your brother's book, he was never late. 你应当学学你兄弟,他从不迟到。
the fall of the leaf 见 fall
turn over a new leaf 掀开新的一页,重新开始;改过自新;从头做起
I have been very lazy but I am going to turn over a new leaf and work hard. 我一向很懒,但我将改过自新,努力工作。
The conservative editorial board was turning over a new more open-minded leaf. 那立场保守的编委会正变得较为开明。
[OE; 与 OHG loub, L liber bast, book 有关]




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