释义 |
for·age /ˈfɒrɪdʒ/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. (马、牛等家畜的)草料,饲料 forage grass 饲草 The cattle have enough forage. 牛群有足够的草料。 2. 搜寻粮秣;搜寻食物 The squad went out on a forage and returned with several chickens. 那班士兵出外搜寻食物,拿回来几只鸡。 3. 袭击
II ❶ vi. 1. 搜寻粮秣;搜寻食物 The troops foraged near the village. 军队在村庄附近搜寻粮秣。 The birds foraged in the snow. 鸟在雪中觅食。 2. 搜寻 He foraged for food in the cupboard. 他在食橱里找吃的东西。 3. 袭击,破坏 ❷ vt. 1. 〈古〉给(牛马等)吃草料 2. 搜得 They foraged a chicken for the feast. 他们为筵席搞到一只鸡。 3. 向…征集粮秣 The army foraged the country round about. 军队向周围农村征集粮秣。 4. 〈罕〉掠夺 [<OFr fourage<fuerre fodder<Frank fōdr food] |