

单词 late
释义 late /leɪt/ a. | ad. | phr.
I a.
1. 迟的,迟于规定(或预期)时刻的
The train was five minutes late. 火车晚点5分钟。
I apologize for my late arrival. 我对迟到表示歉意。
be late for work (for school, at the office) 上班(上学,上办公室)迟到
I was late for our appointment. 我赴约会迟到了。
2. 给迟到者的;向迟延者收取的
late marks 迟到记号
He had to pay a late penalty. 他得交付滞纳金。
3. 晚的,晚于通常时间(或季节、年龄)
late rising (早晨)晚起
a late lunch 晚进的午餐
a late spring 姗姗来迟的春天
late crops (fruits) 晚熟作物(水果)
(a) late marriage 晚婚
4. (时间)近日暮的;近深夜的;持续到深夜的
It was late. 时间晚了。
in the late afternoon 在下午较晚的时候(或傍晚)
a late movie 夜场电影
a late party 持续到深夜的聚会
5. (时期)接近终了的,末期的,晚期的;后期的
the late Middle Ages 中世纪末期
in the late 19th century 在19世纪末叶
in the late 1990's 在20世纪90年代末
He is in his late twenties. 他将近30岁了。
Picasso's late work 毕加索的晚期作品
late syphilis 后期梅毒
6. 不久前的;最近的
The late storm had destroyed many houses. 不久前的一场暴风雨摧毁了许多房屋。
a late news bulletin 最近的新闻公报
7. 新近去世的,已故的;已不存在的
I'd like to talk to you about your late husband. 我想和你谈谈有关你已故丈夫的事。
the late Mr. Foster 已故的福斯特先生
the late great Life 已停刊的大名鼎鼎的《生活》
8. 以前的;前任的,已卸任的
the late allies 以前的盟友
the company's late manager 公司的前任经理
The late mayor is still working actively in politics. 已卸任的市长仍活跃于政界。
9. (妇女)月经未按时来潮的
Penny is two weeks late, maybe she is with child. 彭妮月经过了两星期还未来,她可能怀孕了。

II ad.
1. 迟,迟于规定(或预期)时刻
The mail was delivered late today. 今天邮件送得迟了。
come late to work 上班迟到
He arrived (too) late for the train. 他到得太晚,没赶上火车。
2. 晚,晚于通常时间(或季节、年龄)
get up late 起身晚
The children stayed up late. 孩子们很晚才睡觉。
We worked late into the night. 我们工作到深夜。
Roses flowered late this year. 今年玫瑰花开得晚。
He married late. 他结婚晚。
John started learning German quite late in life. 约翰年纪挺大才开始学德语。
3. (时间上)接近终了
We set out late in the morning. 我们晌午时分出发。
It happened late at night. 事情发生在深夜。
I met her late in March. 我在3月下旬遇见过她。
4. 近来,新近
Even as late as 1950 coal provided over 90% of our energy. 甚至近在1950年,我们的能源由煤提供的要占90%以上。
as late as yesterday 就在昨天
5. 不久前;到不久前为止
George Richardson, late our Ambassador to England and for the moment Secretary of Commerce 不久前任我国驻英大使、现任商务部长的乔治·理查逊
Jane Smith, late of London, now of Boston 不久前住在伦敦、现住在波士顿的简·史密斯
[< OE læt; 与 OHG laz slow, OE lǣtan to let¹ 有关]
phr. Better late than never. 见 better¹
It is never too late to mend. 改过不嫌迟。(或亡羊补牢,未为晚也。)
late in the day (或 game)
1. 在事情的最后阶段,最后
It was the pensioners' vote late in the day that influenced the election of Mr. Sweet. 最后是领取养老金者的选票影响了斯威特先生的当选。
2. 为时已晚,已失时机
It's a little late in the day to talk about policy changes. 现在谈改变政策已经晚了一些。
of late 最近以来
I haven't seen him of late. 我最近没见到过他。
of late years 近年来
till late 直到深夜
sit (stay) up till late 坐到(等到)深夜
will (或 would) be late for one's own funeral (人)老是迟到
You have missed your train three times this week—you'd be late for your own funeral. 本星期你已经有3次没赶上火车了,你老是迟到。




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