释义 |
a·me·na·ble /əˈmiːnəbl/ a. 1. 顺从的;服从启导的;易作出响应的 an amenable wife 温顺的妻子 Once his daughter was taken hostage, he would be more amenable to their demands. 一旦把他女儿扣作人质,他就会软化下来答应他们的要求。 a person amenable to persuasion (flattery) 能听从劝告(易受谄媚)的人 an illness amenable to herb treatment 可用草药治疗的疾病 2. 对…负有义务(或责任)的(to) It is a dubious argument that high officials are not amenable to the laws. 所谓大官可以不对法律负责乃是一种大成问题的论点。 3. 经得起检验的 amenable data 经得起检验的数据 be amenable to the laws of physics 经得起物理学定律的检验 [Ang-Fr < OFr amener to lead up <AD- + L mināre to drive (cattle) minārī to threaten + -ABLE]a·me·na·bil·i·tya·me·na·ble·nessəˌmiːnə'bɪlətɪ n. |