

单词 check
释义 check /tʃek/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | int. | phr.
I vt.
1. 使突然停止;制止,抑制
check one's steps 突然止步
check oneself and stand still 停下脚步站住不动
check the arms race 制止军备竞赛
check a forest fire 制服森林火灾
check one's indignation 抑制怒火
2. 击退,挫败;责备,谴责
check an enemy attack 击退敌人的进攻
She checked herself for thinking such thoughts. 她责备自己有这种想法。
3. 核对;检查;察看,注意
check the accounts 查对账目
check one's answer with someone else's 根据别人的答案核对自己的答案
Did you check your purse for the keys? 你查看过手提包里有钥匙吗?
The ship stopped in Shanghai to check damage. 该船在上海停泊,检查损坏情况。
I forgot to check whether I had anything else to attend to. 我忘了检查一下是不是还有什么别的事情要做。
He checked the clock on the table; it was almost midnight. 他看了下桌上的钟,已经快到半夜了。
Check the guy at the end of the counter. 柜台那头的那个家伙给我瞧着点。
4. 用钩形符号标出,在…上打上“√”号(表示同意、已核等)
check the correct answer 给正确的答案打“√”号
check an answer as wrong 勾出错误的答案
He checked the box for Divorced on the chart about his marital status. 关于他的婚姻状况,他在表上离婚一栏打上“√”号。
5. (暂时)寄放;接受寄放;(凭客票)托运;接受托运
check one's umbrella at the door 把伞寄放在门口
The hotel checked our luggage. 旅馆收下了我们寄存的行李。
carry-on or checked luggage 随身携带的或托运的行李
We checked two trunks (through) to Chicago. 我们把两只箱子(直接)托运到芝加哥。
6. 在…上印(或标)上格子图案;(田地)划成方格进行栽植,纵横成行地栽植(作物)
7. 扣发(工资等)
8. 使开裂;使龟裂
The sun checks timber. 太阳会晒裂木材。
9. 美口取消
He made eight yards; check that, six yards. (实况广播时)他前进了8码;哦,不对,是6码。
10. (对方的将或帅)
11. 阻截
12. (绳索)有控制地慢慢松出
1. (逐项)相符;证明无误
The two copies check. 两份文本完全一样。
The house number checked. 门牌号码正确无误。
2. 核对;检查;察看
check about the cost of maintenance 核对维修费用
He didn't know anyone who wanted his house but he'd check around. 他不知道有谁想要他的房子,不过他会四处查问的。
A: Is the baby asleep? B: I'll go and check. 甲:娃娃睡熟了没有? 乙:我去看看。
3. 标上钩形符号,打上“√”记号
Check here if payment is enclosed. 应付款如已附入在方块内打“√”号。
4. 收住;(突然)停止;(猎犬因臭迹中断而)站住
She checked for a moment in the dance and missed a step. 她跳舞时停了一停,结果漏了一步。
5. 开裂;龟裂
Cheap paint may check. 劣质的油漆会龟裂。
6. 将军
7. 开支票
8. (扑克牌)不下赌注(把首轮下注权让给下家)
9. (猎鹰)放弃应捕猎物去追次要的猎物

II n.
1. (突然的)停止;制止,抑制
The outbreak of war gave (或 put) a sudden check to his work. 战争的爆发使得他的工作突然中断了。
The invaders came in without a check. 入侵者长驱直入。
2. 制止者;抑制物
The river was a check on the enemy's advance. 河流阻挡了敌军的前进。
3. 制服;挫败;责难
achieve a success in the check of rival forces 成功地挫败了对方军队
His ambitions received a sharp check. 他的雄心受到了严重的挫折。
4. 核对;检查;调查
make a check on the data 核对资料
a health check 健康检查
a room check (医生的)查房
under the check of the superintendent 在主管人员的监督之下
make a routine (background, security) check on sb. 对某人作例行(经历、安全)调查
5. 核对(或检查)标准(或手段)
His work will be a check on yours. 你的工作要对照他的工作来检查。
6. 钩形符号,“√”号
put a check beside the correct answers 在正确答案旁边打“√”号
7. 寄物牌,存放证
a hat (baggage) check 帽子(行李)寄放牌
I've lost the check for my coat. 我把大衣寄放牌丢了。
8. 主美支票(cheque);(餐馆的)账单
write a check for $150 开一张150美元的支票
cash a check 把支票兑成现金
call for the check(服务员)把账单开来
pay the check 付账
May I have the check, please? 请把账单开给我好吗?
9. 格子图案,格子花样;(图案上的)一格;格子图案织物,格子布
a jacket in wide checks 大格子花的上衣
The cover of the book was a red and white check. 书面是红白格子图案。
Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? 你喜欢用什么布做新衣服?条子布还是格子布?
10. 裂缝,裂口;(玻璃的)裂纹
11. 将军;被将军的局面
a series of checks 一连串的将军
12. (赌博时用的)筹码
13. (石工)槽口
14. 阻截
15. 英橄身体阻挡(指用身体贴挤对方队员)
16. (猎犬的)臭迹中断
17. 美俚少量毒品

III a.
1. 停止的;用于制止的
2. 核对用的;检查用的
a check experiment 检查性试验
3. 有格子图案的,方格的
a check coat 格子大衣

IV int.
1. (军)!
2. 主美口行,好
Check, let's go. 行,我们走吧。
I'll sign it. Check? 我签字,行了吧?
[< OFr eschec a check at chess, a pause (to verify something) < Arab < Pers shāh the king!]
phr. check at 1. 面临…突然停止
2. (猎鹰)放弃应捕的猎物去追(次要的猎物)
check back 1. 查看以往的记录
check back to 1949 查阅1949年的记录
2. 再联系,再接洽
Applicants are encouraged to check back frequently. 欢迎申请人今后多多联系。
You can have a day or two off before checking back on the job. 你再来上班之前可以休息一两天。
check in 1. (在宾馆、机场等)登记,报到
He has not checked in to any hotel yet. 他还没有去哪家旅馆登记住宿。
You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves. 在飞机起飞前1小时你必须到机场验票。
2. 抵达,来到
The friends we had invited did not check in until Saturday. 我们邀请的朋友直到星期六才到。
Yesterday was the first time she was here since you checked in. 你来到后昨天是她第一次上这儿来。
3. 记载,记录
check in records 作记录
4. 上班,上工
What time do you have to check in? 你什么时间上班?
5. 主美归还;收回
check in a book at the library 在图书馆还书
check into 1. 登记进入,在…报到
check into a hotel (a hospital) 登记住进旅馆(医院)
2. 检查;调查
check into mail fraud 调查邮件舞弊事件
check into sb.'s background 调查某人的经历
check off 1. (经核对后)在…上打上“√”号
Please check off these parcels before they are dispatched. 这些包裹发出之前请一一核对打钩。
check off the names of applicants 勾出申请人的姓名
2. (从工资中)扣除(工会会费等)
check off each miner's dues 扣除每个矿工的应缴费用
3. 不再考虑
Robbery was checked off as a motive. 犯罪动机在于抢劫的假设被排除了。
4. 下班,收工
check off at 5 p.m. 下午5时收工
5. 美橄变换(战术),改变(打法)
check on 1. 检查;调查;察看
check on sb.'s health 为某人检查身体
check on the readiness of a warship 检查军舰战备情况
check on sb. (sb.'s past experience) 调查某人(某人的经历)
We'll check on everybody whether it's true or not. 我们要向每个人调查了解此事是真是假。
2. = check up on
check out 1. (从宾馆、商店等)结账离开;办妥手续离去
A: Has Mrs. Hyde checked out yet? B: Yes, she left this morning. 甲:海德夫人已经结账离去了吗? 乙:是的,她今天早晨走的。
check out of a hotel (a hospital) 结账后离开宾馆(医院)
check out of an office 办手续后离职
2. 离开,走掉
My uncle has to check out before Monday. 我的叔父得在星期一之前走。
3. 主美办妥手续取出(或借出)
check a book out of (或 check out a book from) the library 从图书馆借出一本书
The manual has been checked out to the manager. 那本手册给经理借去了。
4. 下班,收工
5. 检查;调查;察看
check out a plane 对飞机进行检查
check out the door of a hospitalized neighbour 查看一位住院邻居的门
6. 把…记下,记载
check out all the goods in the store 登记店里的全部货物
7. (得到)证实,(被)证明
check out a fact (statement) 证实一个事实(说法)
a report which seems to check out 一份看来真实可信的报告
Does this story check out with the facts? 这说法同事实相一致吗?
8. 符合要求,通过
The trainees checked out all right. 受训人员全部合格。
9. 主美(尤指开架商店等)(出售的货物)计价收款;(顾客在结账柜台)(所购的货物)计价付款
be employed to check out groceries 受雇担任食品的计价收款工作
check out a suit 付清一套衣服的货款
10. 美俚完蛋,死
He seemed too young to check out. 他似乎死得太年轻了。
check over 检查;查看
Check over the manuscript carefully before passing it to the typist. 把稿子交给打字员之前先仔细检查一下。
check through 检查,审查;查看
He checked through the notes he'd made. 他把所做笔记检查了一遍。
check up (on) 检查;查核;核实
She thought she had heard a burglar in the house, so she checked up, but found nobody. 她好像听见屋里有贼,就去查看了一下,可是没发现什么人。
If you are not sure, you ought to check up on the facts. 你如果没把握,就该去核对事实。
check with 1. 与…相符;与…一致
Does all this check with what you know about him? 所有这些情况同你对他的了解一样吗?
2. 与…联系,与…接洽
He checked with her to see if she knew some friend with whom he could stay. 他与她联系,看看她可有什么朋友处可供他借住。
Don't do anything without checking with me. 同我接头前别采取任何行动。
check you 南非口再见
discover check (象棋中)移动一子以将对方军
hand in one's checks
in check 1. 受抑制的(地),有控制的(地)
keep one's voice in check 压低嗓子
have one's jealousy in check 抑制嫉妒之心
He held you in check through me. 他是通过我来控制你的。
2. 被将军的(地)
keep a check on 1. 抑制,控制
2. 监视,注意
keep a check on sb.'s whereabouts 监视某人的行踪
pass in one's checks = hand in one's checks




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