

单词 dodge
释义 dodge /dɒdʒ/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 闪开,跳开;躲开;躲躲闪闪
dodge behind a tree 闪身躲到树后
dodge out of range 躲出射程
He dodged cleverly when I threw the ball at him. 我将球掷向他时,他机敏地躲开了。
The escaped prisoner dodged in and out among the crowd. 逃犯在人群中东躲西闪。
2. 躲避;巧妙地回避;施计逃避义务(或责任等)
When asked a direct question, he usually dodges. 当人们直截了当地向他提问题时,他往往回避。
3. 搪塞;敷衍
4. (放大时)遮挡,局部遮光
5. (鸣钟术)按变换序列鸣钟(指一套钟按变换序列拉动钟轮上的绳索而连续发声)
1. 闪身躲开,闪避
He dodged the snowball that came toward him. 他闪身躲过向他掷来的雪球。
2. 躲避;巧妙地回避;施计逃避(问题、义务、责任等)
She dodged him in the crowd. 她混在人群中避开他。
dodge a question (fact) 回避问题(事实)
dodge paying one's fare 逃票
He dodged the draft by leaving the country. 他去国外逃避兵役。
3. (放大时)遮挡(部分照片)

II n.
1. 躲闪;躲避
The car made a quick dodge up a side road to avoid the police. 汽车急急闪入岔路避开警察。
2. 托词;伎俩;妙计
That's one of his favourite dodges for getting money from people. 那是他向人要钱的惯用伎俩之一。
a clever dodge 巧计
tax dodges 逃税花招
3. 美俚行业
4. (一套钟的)变序鸣钟
phr. be up to all kinds of dodges 使出各种诡计
dodge Pompey 逃避工作
dodge with sb.钉某人梢
on the dodge 1. (为逃避追捕而)无固定住处(的);在逃(的)
2. 干骗人(或不正当)勾当(的) [?]




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