

单词 close¹
释义 close¹ /kləʊz/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 关,闭;封闭;封锁
close a door 关门
close a book 合上书
keep one's eyes closed 闭目
close the courtroom to press and public 关闭法庭不让报界和公众进入
Close your mouth! 闭嘴!
Because of drought the government closed the woodlands. 政府因干旱封闭了林区。
close a street for snow removal 为扫除积雪封锁街道
The road is closed to heavy motor traffic. 这条路禁止重型机动车辆通行。
2. 填塞;堵住;遮挡
close a crack in the wall with plaster 用灰泥填塞墙上的缝
close a view 遮住一种景象
close one's mind to new ideas 拒不接受新思想
3. 使靠拢;使联合(或闭合);使愈合
close forces 把兵力集结起来
close a trade gap 弥合贸易差额
a closed fist 握紧的拳头
close the wound with stitches 缝合伤口
4. 结束,终止;(永久或暂时地)关闭(学校等);最后商定(交易等);结清,结算
He closed his business and moved away. 他歇业后搬走了。
We close business at 7 p.m. 本店下午7点停止营业。
They closed the service with a hymn. 他们唱一首赞美诗结束礼拜。
The deal was closed. 这桩买卖成交了。
close a transfer of real estate title 最后完成产权过户手续
close a political bargain 达成一桩政治交易
close a bank account 结清一个银行账户
5. 关闭,闭合
6. 使接近,使靠近
7. 包围,围住
8. 关闭(数据等使其不能被随意调用)
1. 关,闭
The door closed quietly. 门悄没声息地关上了。
The valve won't close. 阀关不上。
His lips closed firmly. 他的嘴唇紧闭着。
My throat closed. I couldn't sing. 我的喉咙哽住了,唱不出来。
2. 结束,终止;(永久或暂时地)关闭;收盘
Applications close on 30 September 2006. 申请至2006年9月30日截止。
School will close early this year. 学校今年将早放假。
The stores close at 9 p.m. 商店晚上9点打烊。
Steel closed high. 钢铁股票收盘价很高。
The price on the London gold market closed at $620 yesterday. 昨天伦敦黄金市场收盘价为620美元。
3. 包围,围住;靠拢;联合;抓握;赶上;愈合
His comrades closed around him protectively. 他的伙伴围在他四周护卫他。
The two divisions closed to form a united front. 两个师联合组成统一战线。
The wound has closed. 伤口愈合了。
4. 达成协议;表示同意
As soon as I made the offer, he closed. 我一报价格他就接受了。
5. 扭打,搏斗;(殴斗等前)接触;接近

II n.
1. 结束,终止
at the close of the day (the party) 在黄昏(宴会结束)
towards the close of the 17th century 近17世纪末
2. (演说、戏剧等)最后的段落,结尾;结论
3. 终止
4. 遭遇;肉搏
5. 收脚(指动作脚在舞蹈中向支撑脚靠近或贴紧,与此同时可倒重心或不倒重心)
[<ME closen<OFr clos<clore<L claudere to close]
phr. bring sth. to a close 结束某事
close down 1. 关闭;歇业
2. (使)(电台)停止播音
3. (黑夜、雾等)降临(on)
4. 镇压(on)
close in 1. 包围;围住(on)
Despair closed in on her. 她陷入绝望之中。
He ordered his troops to close in on us. 他命令他的军队包围我们。
2. 封锁
The airport is closed in. 机场封锁了。
3. (白昼)变短;(天)变黑
The short December day was already closing in. 短短的12月的一天已开始暗下来。
The evening is fast closing in. 夜幕正很快降临。
close off1. 结清,勾销(账目)
2. 断绝;结束;封锁,使隔绝
close on 1. 抓住;渐渐赶上
close on the leading runner 逐渐追上跑在头里的人
2. 关住;包围
close one's eyes to 见 eye
close one's mind to 见 mind
close out
1. 处理掉;出清;结清(账);卖掉;歇业
2. 结束;终止
3. 排除
4. 结账买卖证券(或商品);清仓销售
close ranks 见 rank¹
close the door to(或 on) 见 door
close up 1. 堵住;封死;关闭;堵满
The windows are closed up with brick. 窗子都用砖砌死了。
2. (使)靠拢;(伤口)愈合
close upon 包围
close with 1. 同意;达成协议
2. 接近;与…短兵相接(或肉搏)
The ship was closing with the island. 船只驶近岛屿。
close with one's hated enemy 与自己的死敌搏斗
come (或draw) to a close 渐近结束




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