释义 |
di·vide /dɪˈvaɪd/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 分;分开;分割,分切 This class is too large; we shall have to divide it. 这个班太大了;我们得把它分一分。 The builder will divide the land into home sites. 营造商将把这块土地划分成几个建房区。 She divided the younger children from the older ones. 她把年幼些的孩子与大一些的分开。 The boy divided the cake into six pieces. 男孩把蛋糕切成6块。 2. 分隔,把…隔开;是…的分界线 The fence divides the garden in two. 篱笆把花园隔成两半。 His study is divided from the living-room by a thin wooden partition. 他的书房是用薄壁板从起居室分隔而成的。 This part of the field was divided off with a fence, to keep the cows in. 这块田用篱笆拦起以防牛跑出。 The Rio Grande divides Mexico from the United States. 格兰德河是墨西哥与美国的界河。 3. 分配;分享;分担 divide up the spoils of a victory 分配战利品 He divided time in Shanghai and Hankou. 他把时间分别用在上海和汉口两地(指在两地工作)。 His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation. 他一天的时间一半花在工作上,一半用于休息。 I'll divide my apple with you. 我将与你分吃我的苹果。 We'll divide (up) the work among us. 我们来把工作分解一下。 4. 使产生分歧;使分裂;使疏远 The issue divided the management. 这一问题在管理层中引起意见分歧。 Economists are divided over a solution to the crisis. 经济学家们对解决危机的方法意见不一。 We are divided as to where to spend our holidays. 关于去哪里度假的问题我们意见有分歧。 The country is divided by religious quarrels. 那个国家因宗教争论而发生分裂。 Jealousy divided them. 嫉妒使他们变得疏远了。 5. 使(立法机构等)分赞成和反对两组进行表决 The opposition tried to divide Parliament again soon afterwards. 不久以后,反对党试图使议会再次进行分组表决。 6. 标刻度于(测量仪器等) divide a sextant 在六分仪上标刻度 7. 把…分类 She divided the shirts according to size. 她根据尺码对衬衫进行分类。 divide society into classes 把社会分成阶级 8. 【数】除;除尽;把…作除数 divide 20 by 4 4除20 6 divided by 2 equals 3. 6被2除等于3。 4 divides 16. 4能除尽16。 divide 14 into 42 用14除42 ❷ vi. 1. 分开;分叉 The class divided into several groups to talk about different parts of the subject. 全班学生分成几组分别讨论课题的不同部分。 The road divides in (或 into) two at the other side of the town. 路在市镇的另一头分岔成两条。 The tall grass divided as the man's boots kicked through it. 当那人用靴子踢着穿过草丛时,高高的野草向两边分开。 2. 有分歧;分裂 The committee members divided on the new proposal. 委员们对这新提议有意见分歧。 The party divided into warring factions. 那个党分裂成互相敌对的一些派别。 3. 分配;均分 The profits are counted; let's divide. 利润已计算出来;我们分配吧! 4. (立法机构等)分赞成和反对两组进行表决 Parliament divided on the question. 议会就这一问题进行分组表决。 5. 【数】做除法;被除尽 He always divides wrongly. 他做除法老是出错。 Will 28 divide by 3? 28能被3整除吗?
II n. 1. 〈主美〉分水岭,分水线 2. 分界线;界限 The event became the divide between two eras of Chinese history. 那次事件成了中国历史上两个时代的分界线。 the racial divide 种族界限 3. 分开;分配;分歧 a divide in the road 公路的分岔 the deep divide between the two tribal groups 两部落间很深的裂痕 [<L dividere to force apart<DI-²+vid- to separate<viduus bereaved<vidua widow] phr. be divided against itself 分裂成派系而自我削弱 divide and rule (或 conquer) 分而治之 adopt the tactic of “divide and rule”采取“分而治之”的策略 |