

单词 set
释义 set /set/ vt. | vi. | a. | n. | phr.
I (set; set·ting)

1. 放,置;竖立
set a kettle on the stove 把壶放在炉子上
He set his hand on my shoulder. 他把手搁在我肩上。
set flowers in a vase 把花插在花瓶里
set a ladder against the wall 把梯子靠在墙上
They set a flagpole in concrete. 他们把旗杆立在混凝土中。
set a stake in the ground 在地里打一根桩子
2. [只用被动语态]使坐落;使处于特定位置
The house was set amid the trees. 这所房屋坐落在树丛中。
a city set on a hill 位于山上的城市
His eyes were set close together. 他的两只眼睛挨得很近。
3. 安装
set a wheel on an axle 把轮子装在轴上
4. 安排
set a place for a guest (在餐桌边)为客人安排座位
set the table for a meal 在桌上摆好餐具准备开饭
Everything was set according to schedule. 一切都按时间表安排就绪。
5. 使接触(to)
set a glass to one's lips 把玻璃杯放到嘴边
set a match to one's pipe 擦火柴点燃烟斗
set the axe to a tree 用斧砍树
set spurs to one's horse 用靴刺策马前进
set pen to paper 下笔
set fire to a house 放火烧房子
6. 主美(火);点燃(火)
set a fire 放火(或把火点燃)
Several fires were set in the town. 城内发生数起纵火事件。
7. 打上(印记);签(名),盖(章)(to)
The years have set their mark on him. 岁月在他身上留下了痕迹。
set one's hand and seal to a document 在文件上签名盖章
8. 配置,部署(岗哨等);派遣,委派
set sentries at the gate 在大门口设岗哨
set policemen around the building 把警察部署在建筑物周围
set spies on sb. 派间谍监视某人
set an investigator on a case 派调查员了解案情
They have set him over the workers as a foreman. 他们已派他当工头去监督工人。
9. 使就座
set a child on a highchair 让孩子坐在高脚椅上
set sb. on the throne 使某人登上王位
10. 使(鸡)孵卵;使(卵)受孵
set a hen (on eggs) 使鸡孵卵
set eggs (under a hen) 使卵受孵
11. 种,植
set seeds 下种
set seedlings (bulbs) 植苗(球茎)
12. 镶,嵌;点缀
set a diamond in a ring 把钻石镶在戒指上
set the glass in the window 把玻璃嵌在窗框里
a bracelet set with pearls 镶嵌珍珠的手镯
The night sky was set with myriads of stars. 无数星星点缀着夜空。
13. 使朝特定方向(to, toward);使移动,推动;运送
set one's face toward the sun 使脸朝太阳
set one's feet homeward 移步回家
The tide had set the vessel eastward. 潮水把船向东推去。
The ferryboat set us across the river. 渡船把我们送到了对岸。
14. 倾注,集中(心思等)
The boy has set his heart on that toy. 这男孩一心想得到那个玩具。
set one's affections on sb. 热爱某人
Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
15. [后接宾语和补足语]使处于特定状态;[后接宾语和现在分词]使开始…
set sb.'s heart (或 mind) at rest 使某人放心
set a machine in motion 开动机器
set the whole room in a roar 引起哄堂大笑
set the door ajar 使门半开着
set sb.'s heart beating 使某人的心怦怦剧跳起来
set a machine going 使机器运转起来
The joke set us laughing. 这笑话逗得我们哈哈大笑。
His behaviour set people talking. 他的行为使人们议论纷纷。
16. 使着手(做)(to, to do)
set sb. to a task 使某人着手做一项工作
He set the boys to chop wood (或 to woodchopping). 他叫男孩们去劈柴。
17. [set oneself](赛跑时)使(自己)就位;使(自己)作好准备(for); 使(自己)致力(于)(to);使(自己)下决心(to do)
They have set themselves for something bad to happen. 他们对将发生的坏事已作好应变准备。
She set herself to her chores. 她埋头于家庭杂务。
He has set himself to learn French. 他已决心学习法语。
18. 使(牛奶等)凝结;使(胶水等)凝固
set the white of an egg by boiling it 煮蛋白使它凝结
set mortar 使灰浆凝固
19. 用针固定(昆虫等)做标本
set a butterfly 把蝴蝶钉住做标本
20. 使(染料、颜料)颜色固定不变
This chemical is used to set a dye. 这种化学品用来固定染料的颜色。
21. (或做)(头发),使具有所需要的发型
22. 使(脸等)现出坚定不移的表情
His face was set in grim determination. 他铁板着脸,表示已下定决心。
We've got to set our teeth and go through with it. 我们得咬紧牙关,坚持到底。
23. 确定,决定(时间);规定(限度、指标、标准、界线、条件、价格、金额等);估定(价值);制定(规则等)
set a wedding day 确定婚礼的日子
set midnight for the escape 决定半夜逃跑
set Friday as the deadline 规定星期五为最后限期
We set certain conditions as part of the bargain. 我们规定某些条件作为交易的一部分。
The club set £50 as the membership fee. 该俱乐部规定会费为50镑。
He set a high price on his services. 他把服务费用定得很高。
She set the tone in her opening address. 她在开幕词中定下了调子。
The value of the watch was set at £500. 这块表被估价为500镑。
set a high value on every man's life 高度重视每一个人的生命
set the rules of the game 订立比赛规则
24. 确定,决定(事件)的发生时间;规定…的价格(或金额);估计(损失等);评价
The officers set the coup for a Thursday. 军官们决定在某一个星期四发动政变。
The election was set for Saturday. 选举定于星期六举行。
He set his services at £300. 他把服务费用定为300镑。
set the bail at £500 把保释金定为500镑
set sb.'s promises at naught 把某人的诺言看得一文不值
25. 定…的音高
The song has been set too high for me. 对我来说,这支歌的调定得太高了。
26. 押…作赌注
set £5 on a horse to win 在一匹可能获胜的马上押5镑赌注
set one's life on a chance 拿生命作赌注
27. 树立(榜样等);开创(新风尚等);创造(纪录)
set an example to (或 for) sb. (或 setsb. an example) 为某人树立榜样
set sb. the standard (model) 为某人树立规范(楷模)
set the fashion for new-style poems 开创新体诗之风
set a precedent 开先例
set a new record 创新纪录
28. 分派,指派(工作等),提出(任务等);布置(作业);出(题目)
set a difficult job for oneself (或 set oneself a difficult job) 派给自己一项艰巨的工作
She had set a half-hour composition for her pupils. 她已给学生布置了一篇半小时内完成的作文。
The teacher set the class various exercises. 教师给班级布置了各种练习。
The examiners have set “Paradise Lost.” 主考人已指定《失乐园》为考生必读书。
Who set (the questions for) the examination? 试题是谁出的?
29. (舞台、电视演播室等)设置布景;为(故事等)设置背景;描述(情景)
set the stage for a scene in a play 为一场戏设置舞台布景
The novel is set in 17th century Spain. 这部小说以17世纪的西班牙为背景。
Our commentator will now set the scene in the stadium. 本台播音员接下来要介绍体育馆现场的实况。
30. (诗、歌词等)谱曲,为(曲)填词(to);(为乐器、歌唱声部)(曲)(for)
set words to music 为歌词谱曲
Has the poem ever been set (to music)? 这首诗曾被谱成曲吗?
set a melody to a text 为曲填词
set a piece of music for the violin 作一支小提琴曲
31. 校正,调整(仪器等);拨准(钟、表);设置(闹钟)于指定时刻
set a wheel 校正车轮
set the camera for a long-distance shot 调整照相机镜头拍摄远景
set one's watch by the radio time signal 按收音机报时信号对表
set the alarm clock (for 6 a. m.) 设置闹钟(使在早晨6点钟闹响)
32. 磨快(剃刀等);锉(锯齿),调整(锯齿)的倾角
33. (陷阱),张(罗网);用(鱼钩)钩住鱼颚
34. 用压力去除(兽皮等)的皱纹
35. 使(果实、种子)结成
The peaches failed to set fruit. 桃树没有结果。
36. 使(身体等)成熟(或定型)
Too much exercise may set a boy's muscles prematurely. 锻炼过了头可能会使男孩的肌肉早熟定型。
His body is set. 他的身体已定型。
37. (过去式和过去分词常作 set·ted) 按能力把(学生)分组(或教学班)
Some feel that children should be setted for each subject. 有些人认为教授每门学科都应按能力把儿童分班。
38. 使(折骨等)复位
set a broken bone (arm) 使折骨(手臂折骨)复位
set a dislocation 使脱臼的关节复位
39. (铅字);把(稿本等)排版
set the first word in italic 把第一个词排成斜体
set a word close 把一个词的字母密排
set a line wide 把一行词宽排
40. 使(面团等)发酵
41. 木工(钉子、螺丝等的头)钉没
42. (帆)
43. 使(二进制单元)置位;把(二进制单元)置于1状态
44. (猎狗)站定用鼻指示(猎物)所在
45. (桥牌中)制止(对方)叫牌;打败(对方);使(对方的定约墩数)落空
1. (日、月等)落,下沉;(势力等)衰落
The sun has set. 日已西沉。
The power of the British Empire began to set after World War I. 第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰落。
His star has set. 他不再吉星高照。
2. 凝结;凝固
Jelly sets as it cools. 果冻冷却时会凝结。
The cement set after a few hours. 几小时后水泥凝固了。
3. (染料、颜料)固着,固定
use a chemical to make a dye set 用化学品使染料不退色
4. (头发)被卷(或做)成所需要的发型
Short hair doesn't set easily. 短发不易卷成所需要的发型。
5. (金属)变形
6. (脸)现出坚定不移的表情;沉下;(眼睛等)变得呆滞,变得固定不动
His face set. 他的脸一沉。
Her lips set grimly. 她双唇紧抿着,神情严峻。
7. 搁住
The pudding set heavily on his stomach. 布丁沉甸甸地堵在他胃里。
8. (起跑前)就位
9. (衣着)合身;(举止等)适合
This jacket sets well on you. 这件茄克衫你穿着很合身。
The coat sets badly. 这件上衣不合身。
His behaviour does not set well with his years. 他的行为和他的年龄不相称。
10. (鸡)孵卵
11. (潮水等)流动;(风)吹;具有特定倾向
A strong current set through the channel. 一股强大的水流通过水道。
The wind was setting from the north. 风正在从北方吹来。
The tide has set in his favour. 形势的趋向对他有利。
12. (花、果树)结果;(果实)结成
The blossoms were abundant, but they failed to set. 花开得很盛,但没有结果。
The apples haven't set well this year. 今年苹果结得不好。
13. (身体等)成熟,定型
His character has set. 他的性格已定型。
14. (方形舞、乡村舞中与舞伴)相对而舞(to)
set to one's partner 与自己的舞伴相对而舞
15. (过去式和过去分词常作 set·ted) 按能力把学生分组(或教学班)
Mathematics teachers consider it necessary to set after two terms. 数学教师认为两个学期后有必要按能力把学生分班。
17. (折骨)复位,愈合
18. 排字
set from a difficult manuscript 照一部难排的手稿排字
19. (帆)扬起
20. 置位
21. (猎狗)站定用鼻指示猎物所在

II a.
1. (时间等)预先确定的,约定的;规定的
I was there before the set time. 我在约定的时间之前到达那里。
set hours of work 规定的工作时间
a set fee (procedure) 规定的费用(程序)
2. (书本等由教师或主试人为学生)指定的
read set books in preparation for examinations 阅读指定的书籍备考
The pupils talked on a set topic. 学生们就指定的题目讨论。
3. 凝结的;凝固的
set jelly 凝固果冻
4. 固定不动的;呆滞的;呆板的
a stern, set countenance 严峻而铁板的脸容
a set frown 紧皱的眉头
a set stare 凝视
with set teeth 咬紧着牙关
set eyes 呆滞的眼神
a set smile 死板的笑脸
5. 固定不变的;固执的;顽固的
Her day usually followed a set pattern. 她一天的生活通常遵循着一种一成不变的模式。
a man of set opinions 顽固不化的人
That old man is set in his ways. 那个老头积习难改。
6. 下定决心的,坚决的(on, upon):
She was set on going to university. 她决心上大学。
George was set as a wedge when his mind was made up. 乔治一下决心就铁定不移。
7. 习用的;老一套的
She made her apology in set phrases. 她用套话表示歉意。
8. 故意的
You said that with the set intention of insulting me. 你说那种话,目的是在故意侮辱我。
He did it of set purpose. 他干这事是故意的。
9. 作好准备的(for, to do):
get set to run 准备起跑
They are set for an early morning start. 他们准备好清晨出发。
10. 很有可能的,即将发生的(to do)
Electricity prices are set to go up again. 电费很有可能再一次上涨。
11. 顽强的;(天气)持续的
set defiance 顽强的反抗
set rains (snows) 连绵不断的雨(雪)
12. (机器等)不能移动的;成为物件的固定部分的
13. 两军对阵的
a set battle 对阵战
14. [常用以构成复合词]位置(或身材)…的
close-set teeth 长得紧密的牙齿
deep-set eyes 深陷的眼睛
a heavy-set man 粗壮的男子
15. (饭店供应的饭菜)定菜定价的
a set meal 客饭
a set menu 客饭菜单
16. (击球手)对投球手的投球方式已完全适应的

III n.
1. (互相关连的东西构成的)一套,一副,一组;整套用具
a set of carving tools 一套雕刻工具
a set of drawing-room furniture 一套客厅家具
a set of rules 一套规章
a pen and pencil set 对笔(指配对的一支钢笔和一支铅笔)
a set of teeth 一副牙齿
a set of lectures 系列讲座
We encountered a new set of problems. 我们遇到了一系列新问题。
a carpentry set 一套木工用具
a dinner set 一套餐具
a toilet set 一套盥洗用品
a chess set 一副棋
2. (同一作家或同一主题的著作组成的)集子
a set of (novels by) Dickens 狄更斯小说集
a set of plays 剧本集
3. (因志趣、职业、地位等相同而相互交往的)一群人;一帮人,一伙人;(特殊)阶层
a musical (golfing) set 一群音乐(高尔夫球)爱好者
a set of smugglers 一伙走私犯
a fast set 一伙行为放荡的人
The girls are getting in with a bad set. 那些姑娘开始和一帮坏人厮混。
the top social set 最高社会阶层
the leisured set 有闲阶级
He is not of my set. 他和我志不同道不合。
4. 美口街头团伙;街头团伙的聚会;街头团伙聚会处
5. (学生按能力分的)组,教学班
In each subject the children were divided into fast, average and slower-moving sets. 学童们在每门学科都被分成快班、中等班和慢班。
6. (蛋的)一窝;一窝蛋
a set of eggs 一窝蛋
ten chickens hatched out of the set of twelve 从一窝12个蛋中孵出的10只小鸡
7. 电气(或电子)器械(如收音机、电视机、电话机、收报机、发报机等)
a radio set 收音机
a colour (black and white) set 彩色(黑白)电视机
a turbine hydroelectric set 涡轮水力发电机组
a radar set 雷达装置
8. (连续演奏的)爵士(或流行)乐组
9. (方形舞、乡村舞中舞蹈者排列的)基本队形;(基本队形所需要的)舞伴对数;一套重复进行的健美操
10. (日、月等的)沉落,下沉
before set of sun 在日落前
11. 凝结;凝固
12. 卷头发,做头发;做成的发型;头发定型液
How much do they charge for a shampoo and set? 洗头和做发他们收费多少?
13. (身体或其部位的)姿势,形状,模样
the set of a gundog when pointing 猎狗指示猎物所在时的姿势
From the set of her shoulders it was clear that she was tired. 从她肩部的姿势看,她显然是累了。
a man of heavy set 身材粗壮的男子
14. (尤指衣着穿戴在身上时的)样子
I don't like the set of this hat: it doesn't quite fit. 我不喜欢这顶帽子的样子,它不太合适。
adjust the set of one's coat 整一整上衣
15. (舞台、电影等的)布景;(影片的)摄影场
16. 苗,秧,插条;(移植用)球茎
a cucumber set 黄瓜秧
a set of a willow 柳树的插条
an onion set 洋葱球茎
17. (墙壁上的)最后一道灰泥
18. (煤矿巷道的)支架,棚子
19. (金属等因受压力而形成的)变形;弯曲;倾斜;(锯齿的)倾角
the set of a bow 弓的弯曲
The axle has got a left set. 这根轴向左弯曲。
The spire has a distinct set away from the perpendicular. 尖塔明显歪斜。
20. (水流、风等的)方向
the set of the tide 潮水的流向
The wind has a western set. 吹的是西风。
21. 趋势;倾向;爱好
The set of public opinion is against war. 舆论倾向反对战争。
The set of his mind is obvious. 他的思想倾向很明显。
a set toward mathematics 对数学的爱好
22. 心向,定势
23. 加拿大(捕捉猎物用的)陷阱
24. 澳新口恶感,怨气
have (或 take) a set on sb. 对某人有恶感(或对某人怀恨在心)
25. 集,集合
26. 成套扳手;成套冲头;(木工用的)钉铳
27. 活字宽度
28. (船帆的)样式,排列
29. (猎狗的)站定用鼻指示猎物所在
30. (以输赢局数决定单打或双打比赛胜负的计数单位,一般胜6局为胜1盘)
31. 美橄进攻队形
32. set shot
33. (桥牌中)定约礅数的落空
34. = sett
35. 全能项目
36. (彩色台球中的球)落袋
[< OE settan; 与 OHG sezzan to set, OE sittan to sit 有关]
phr. all set 作好(充分)准备的
The country is all set to launch the spacecraft. 该国已作好发射飞船的充分准备。
She got all set for the plane. 她已作好上飞机的(充分)准备。
get (或 have) sb. set 澳新俚对某人有恶感,和某人过不去
set about 1. 开始,着手
She lit the fire and set about making the soup. 她生了火,开始做汤。
After breakfast, she set about her household duties. 早餐后她开始做家务。
2. 散布(谣言等)
set about scandal 散布流言飞语
3. 英口袭击,攻击;抨击
set about one's adversary in strong language 猛烈抨击敌手
4. 试图
He set about persuading me to his way of thinking. 他试图说服我接受他的想法。
set against 1. 用…抵消,从…中减去
Certain business losses can be set (off) against taxes. 部分营业亏损可因少付税款而得到补偿。
2. 把…和…作比较
The advantages must be set against the disadvantages. 必须权衡利弊。
3. 使反对;使敌视
They set his friends against him. 他们使他的朋友们反对他。
His parents are very much set against the marriage. 他的父母竭力反对这门婚事。
set apart 1. 使分离,使分开
set the fighting boys apart (from each other) 把打架的男孩们拉开
2. 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)
One day of the week should be set apart for relaxation. 每星期应留出一天使自己放松一下。
3. 使显得突出,使显得与众不同
Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls. 她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别引人注目。
set aside 1. 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)
Try and set aside time to do some mending jobs. 设法留出时间做一些修修补补的活儿。
2. 把…置于一旁,不顾;不理会;不接受
Let's set aside our personal feelings. 让我们抛开个人情绪。
He set all our objections aside. 他不理会我们所有的反对意见。
3. 撤销;驳回;宣布…无效
The judge set aside the decision of the lower court. 法官撤销了下级法院的判决。
4. 征用(耕地)
set at (怂恿…)袭击
The thugs set at him from every side. 暴徒们从四面八方向他袭来。
He was rude enough to set a dog at me. 他很无礼,竟然嗾狗来咬我。
set back 1. (钟、表)的指针往回拨
set back (the hands of) the watch one hour 把表的指针拨回一小时
2. 推迟;耽搁;阻碍
The bad weather will set back our building plans. 恶劣的天气将推迟我们的营造计划。
All his efforts were set back. 他的一切努力都受到了挫折。
3. [常用被动语态] 使(建筑物等)位于不突出处
a white house set far back from the road 远离公路的一幢白房子
4. 使花费
The legal costs of the case set him back £10,000. 这场官司花了他1万镑。
set before 1. 把…放在…面前
2. 把…放在…之先,认为…比…更重要
set work before pleasure 把工作放在娱乐之前
3. 把…提交…考虑(或处理)
Your suggestion will be set before the committee at its next meeting. 你的建议将提交委员会的下次会议讨论。
set behind 抛弃
He set behind him resolutely all his hopes of making a name for himself. 他坚决抛弃了使自己出名的一切希望。
set beside 使…与…相比
There is no one to set beside him as an actor. 作为演员没有人能和他相比。
set by 1. (工作等)暂时搁在一边
2. 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)
You should set by some money each month for the children's education. 你应该每月留出一点钱作为孩子将来的教育费用。
3. [与 much, a great deal, little 等连用]尊重;重视
His name was much set by in former days. 从前他的名字很受尊重。
set little by death 蔑视死亡
He sets more by action than by talk. 他重行动而不是空谈。
set down 1. 放下
set down a suitcase 放下手提箱
2. (乘客)下车
The taxi driver set her down at the corner. 出租车司机让她在拐角处下车。
3. 使(飞机)降落;降落
We set down in a heavy fog. 我们(的飞机)在浓雾中降落。
4. 写下,记下
It's all set down in the notebook. 内容全记在笔记本上了。
5. 把…看作(as)
They set him down as unfit. 他们认为他不合适。
6. 把…归因(于) (to)
set sb.'s bad manners down to his ignorance 把某人的不礼貌归因于无知
7. 制定(规则、原则等);确定(日期等);确定…的日期
The trial has been set down for 12 April. 审讯已定于4月12日举行。
8. 使坐下
9. 申斥,责难
10. (赛马中)暂停(骑师)参加比赛
set fair 见 fair¹
set forth 1. 陈述,阐明
The committee set forth their views in a report published today. 委员会在今天发表的一份报告中阐明了他们的看法。
2. 陈列
set forth the presents for all to see 陈列礼品供大家观赏
3. 出发,动身,启程
set forth on a trip around the world 启程作周游世界的旅行
set forward 1. 促进
set forward the revolutionary cause of the oppressed 促进被压迫人民的革命事业
2. 提出
The committee set forward several practical proposals. 委员会提出了几项切实可行的建议。
3. (钟、表等)拨快
set one's watch forward two hours 把表拨快两小时
4. (会议等)提前
5. 出发
If we don't set forward soon, darkness will overtake us. 如果我们不马上出发,天就要黑了。
set in 1. 到来并可能持续;开始
Winter sets in early in the north. 北方冬天来得早。
The rainy weather has set in. 雨季已开始。
He did not keep the cut clean and infection set in. 他未保持伤口的洁净,因而发生了感染。
Enmity might set in between the two peoples. 两国人民之间可能会产生敌意。
2. (潮水)上涨;(水)流向岸边;(风)吹向岸边
The tide is setting in. 开始涨潮了。
3. 使(船)驶向岸边
4. 插入,嵌入;缝上
The builders set the panels in carefully. 建筑工人小心地把嵌板镶上。
Can you help me to set in the sleeves? 你能帮我缝上袖子吗?
5. 流行,盛行
A new vogue in caps seemed to have set in. 一种新式样的帽子似乎流行起来了。
set loose 见 loose
set off 1. 出发,启程
set off in search of the lost child 出发寻找走失的孩子
set off for home 动身回家
2. 使爆炸
Tear-gas bombs were set off to disperse the crowds. 施放了催泪弹以驱散群众。
3. 激起;引起
A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness. 一封家信勾起了一阵乡思。
The landslides were set off by the earthquake. 塌方是由地震引起的。
4. (使)开始(做某事)
If you mention the war, it'll just set him off on one of his distressing stories. 只要你提到那场战争,就会促使他谈论自己痛苦的往事。
Once he sets off talking he never stops. 他一打开话匣子就没个完。
5. 通过对比使突出,衬托出
A gold pin set off her dark dress. 一枚金饰针使她那深色的连衣裙更显眼。
6. 抵消;用…抵消(against)
Some of your debts can be set off with your wife's money. 你的部分债务可用你妻子的钱来抵消。
set off gains against losses 以盈利抵消亏损
7. (用记号)分开
set off a clause by a comma 用逗号把从句分开
8. 拨出
A part of the hospital was set off for the care of contagious disease. 医院的一部分被拨出来供护理传染病患者用。
9. (油墨未干的印张)染污次页(或次张)
10. 使(闹钟)
set on 1. (使)袭击
The bandit set on me with a knife. 盗匪持刀向我袭来。
He set the dog on the intruder. 他放狗去咬闯入者。
2. 唆使,煽动,鼓捣
set sb. on to attack another 怂恿某人攻击另一人
The boy always sets the others on (to misbehave). 这男孩经常鼓动他人捣蛋。
3. 使开始工作
Extra hands were set on to the job. 额外的人手被指派来干这活儿。
4. 前进
The order came to set on. 前进的命令下达了。
5. 促进
set out 1. 出发
set out for London 出发去伦敦
set out on a trip 动身去旅行
All the villagers have set out looking for the missing child. 全体村民已出发去寻找失踪的小孩。
2. 开始 (as, in,on)
She set out as an actress with the help of a director. 在一位导演的帮助下她开始当演员。
Setting out in business is no easy job. 经商伊始事业不易。
set out on one's lifework 开始从事自己的毕生事业
3. 打算,试图;使(自己)尽力
He failed in what he had set out to do. 他没有做到自己原来想做的事。
set out to prove a theory 试图证明一项理论
The student set himself out to finish his thesis within this week. 这学生力图在本周内完成论文。
4. 陈列;展开;展现
The goods are set out in the shop window. 货物陈列在商店的橱窗里。
set out a flag 展开旗帜
The fine scenery was set out before us when we reached the top of the hill. 我们到达山顶时美景展现在我们眼前。
5. 摆出
set out a meal on a table 把饭菜摆上桌
6. 规划,设计(城市、花园等);布置(房间等)
7. 栽种(秧苗)
8. 陈述,阐明(理由等)
set out one's arguments in detail 详述自己的论点
9. 打扮(自己)
She set herself out in her best dress for the dinner party. 她穿上最讲究的衣服准备赴宴。
10. 系统地安排;生动地说明
The grammar is well set out. 这部语法书系统性强。
11. 用线条勾划出(图案等);在(加工件)上划出线条
12. 确定…的范围(或界线)
13. 排完(一盘铅字);把…宽排
set right (或 to rights) 见 right
set to 1. 开始起劲地干
We all set to and got the place cleaned up in no time. 我们一齐大干起来,一会儿就把那地方打扫干净了。
2. 开始狼吞虎咽地吃
The children set to as soon as food was put on the table. 饭菜一摆上桌,孩子们就大吃起来。
3. 开始殴打(或争吵)
One man called the other an impostor and they set to. 一个人骂另一人是骗子,于是两人就扭打起来。
set up 1. 竖立;架起;建造
set up a flagpole (monument) 立旗杆(纪念碑)
He set up the camera under the shade of a tree. 他在树荫下架起了摄像机。
set up a folding chair 支起折叠椅
set up a roadblock 设置路障
set up a tent (shed) 搭帐篷(棚)
set up a power station 建造发电站
set up a wall 筑墙
2. 升起;张贴
set up a flag 升旗
set up a sail 扯帆
set up a sign 挂出招牌(或标志)
set up a notice 张贴布告
3. 装配,装置
set up a loom (printing press) 把织布机(印刷机)装配起来
set up the apparatus for an experiment 安装仪器准备做实验
4. 调试;为…作好准备
Can you show me how to set up the video? 你能指点我怎样调试录像机吗?
It took a long time to set up the experiment. 为这项实验作好准备花了很长时间。
5. 设置(布景)
set up the scenery for the second act 为第二幕设置布景
Have the stage workers set up yet? 舞台工作人员把布景布置好了吗?
6. 树立,推崇
He was set up as our example. 他被树立为我们的榜样。
7. 创立,建立;设立,开办
set up an interim government 建立临时政府
set up a committee of enquiry 设立调查委员会
set up a school 开办学校
set up a company (clinic, hospital) 开设公司(诊所,医院)
8. (纪录)
9. 提出(计划等)
set up a theory 提出一项理论
10. 引起,产生
Heavy smoking is liable to set up an irritation in the throat. 大量抽烟容易引起咽喉发炎。
11. 大声发出
set up a protest 大声抗议
set up a wail 号啕大哭
12. 使掌权;使任职
set sb. up on the throne 拥立某人为王
set sb. up as Pope 立某人为教皇
13. 开业,开始经商;资助…开业,资助…开始经商
set up (for oneself) as a contractor 开始当承包商
I shall set (myself) up as a dentist. 我将开业做牙医。
His father set him up in business. 他的父亲资助他进入商界。
14. 自称为,自命为;声称(自己)(as, for, to be)
I don't set up to be an authority on this subject. 我不认为自己在这门学科方面是权威。
set up as (或 for) a gentleman 以绅士自居
David set himself up as a doctor, but nobody thought he was qualified. 戴维自称是医生,但大家都认为他不合格。
15. (充分)供给 (with, for)
He set me up with a lot of collateral readings. 他为我提供了大量补充读物。
I was (well) set up with clothes for the winter. 我备足了过冬衣服。
We're well set up for (或 with) coal. 我们备足了煤。
16. 使振作,使高兴
The boy was set up by the unexpected praise. 意想不到的表扬使这个男孩感到振奋。
17. 使骄傲,使自负
Don't be set up with your success. 不要由于成功而骄傲自满。
18. 使恢复健康,使复原
A good night's sleep will set you up. 好好睡一夜,你的体力就会恢复。
19. 精心策划
set up a bank robbery 精心策划抢劫银行
20. 端上(酒或饮料);为他人付(酒或饮食)账;请…客
Set'em up, Joe. 伙计,上酒。
I'll set up the next round. 下一巡酒我会钞。
set sb. up to a meal 请某人吃顿饭
21. 冤枉,诬陷
I'm not to blame; I've been set up. 我没有过错,是人家设计诬陷我。
22. (水泥等)凝固,变得坚硬
23. (制图中)在底边上作(垂线或图)
24. 使紧;收紧(绳索等)
set up a pipe joint 拧紧管子的接头
set up the rigging 收紧索具
25. (铅字);把(稿本等)排版
26. 教练,锻炼
set up recruits 训练新兵
set upon (使)袭击




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