释义 |
dis·tin·guish /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 区分,辨别,分清(from) distinguish two objects 区分两件东西 These are some features that distinguish spoken English from written English. 这是区别英语口语和书面语的一些特征。 distinguish facts from rumours 辨别事实和传闻 distinguish right from wrong 分清是非 2. 辨别出,认出;发现;挑出 I can distinguish them by their uniforms. 我能根据他们穿的制服辨认他们。 distinguish the sound of a piano in an orchestra 从管弦乐队演奏时的各种乐器声中分辨出钢琴声 3. 看清;听出 It is difficult to distinguish anything in the dark. 在黑暗中很难看清东西。 He heard voices but couldn't distinguish the words. 他只听见声音但听不清词儿。 4. 使区别于他物 a cablegram as distinguished from an ordinary telegram 有别于普通电报的海底电报 He was distinguished from the other boys by his height. 他的身高显出他与其他男孩不同。 Elephants are distinguished by their long noses. 象以长鼻为特征。 5. [distinguish oneself]使杰出,使著名 She distinguished herself by her performance in the examination. 她以考试成绩优异而出众。 He distinguished himself in chemistry. 他在化学领域享有盛名。 He distinguished himself as a statesman. 他作为政治家而出人头地。 6. 把…分类 (into) We distinguish sounds into high and low, soft and harsh, lively and grave. 我们把声音分成高与低、 柔和与刺耳、 轻快与低沉。 7. 〈古〉尊敬 ❷ vi. 区分,辨别,分清 (between,among) I can distinguish between right and wrong. 我能明辨是非。 How do you distinguish between various species of deer? 你怎样区别各种类别的鹿? You are confusing things, let us distinguish. 你在混淆事情,让我们把它们分分清吧。 [<L distinguere to separate, discriminate<dis- between + stinguere to separate] |