释义 |
de·tect /dɪˈtekt/ vt. 1. (当场)发现(某人在干坏事) detect a student cheating 当场逮住一个学生作弊 2. 查明,侦查出;测出 detect a thief 查出一个窃贼 detect radioactive material 测出放射性物质 3. 察觉,发觉;发现 detect a note of sarcasm 察觉讥讽的口气 detect the odour of gas 闻到煤气味 detect a flaw in an argument 发现论点中有漏洞 4. 【无】【电视】对…检波 [< L dētectus uncovered < dētegere to uncover < DE- + tegere to cover] |