

单词 collect
释义 collect v 1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up/together) bring or gather sth together 收集; 搜集; 凑集     collect (up) the empty glasses, dirty plates, waste paper 收集空瓶、 脏碟、 废纸     collect together one´s belongings 收拾起自己的东西     the collected works of Dickens, ie a series of books containing everything he wrote 狄更斯全集. 2 [I] come together; assemble or accumulate; gather 聚集; 召集; 积累; 集合; 齐集     A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident. 群众迅速聚集在出事现场.     Dust had collected on the window-sill. 窗台上积了灰尘. 3 [I, Tn] obtain (money, contributions, etc) from a number of people or places 募捐; 募集; 徵集     He´s collecting (money) for famine relief. 他正在为赈济饥民募捐.     The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax. 税务局负责徵收所得税. 4 [Tn] obtain specimens of (sth) as a hobby or for study 搜集(某物)的样品(作为爱好或为了研究); 采集标本     collect stamps, old coins, matchboxes, first editions 搜集邮票、 硬币、 火柴盒、 初版物. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] call for and take away (sb/sth); fetch 领走, 带走(某人); 拿走, 取走, 收走(某物)     The dustmen collect the rubbish once a week. 垃圾工每周运走一次垃圾.     collect a child from school 从学校接回孩子     collect a suit from the cleaners 从洗衣店取回衣服. 6 [Tn] regain or recover control of (oneself, one´s thoughts, etc) 使(自己)镇定; 使(思想)集中     collect oneself after a shock 受惊之後镇定下来     collect one´s thoughts before an interview 面试之前先定定神儿. 7 (idm 习语) collect/gather one´s wits => wit. collect     adj, adv (US) (of a telephone call) to be paid for by the receiver (指打电话)由受话人付钱(的)     a collect call 受话人付款的电话     call sb collect, ie transfer the charge 给某人打电话由受话人付款. collect n (in the Anglican or the Roman Catholic Church) short prayer, usu to be read on a particular day (英国国教或天主教的)短祈祷文.




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