

单词 cold
释义 cold adj (-er, -est) 1 of low temperature, esp when compared to the temperature of the human body 冷的; 寒冷的: feel cold 觉得冷     have cold hands, feet, ears, etc 冰凉的手、 脚、 耳等     a cold bath, climate, day, house, room, wind, winter 冷水浴、 寒冷的气候、 冷天、 寒冷的房屋、 冰凉的房间、 冷风、 寒冷的冬天     cold weather, water 寒冷的天气、 冷水     It/The weather is getting colder. 天[天气]渐冷了. Cf 参看 hot, warm1. 2 (of food or drink) not heated; having cooled after being heated or cooked (指食物或饮料)未加热的; 已 冷却的     Would you like tea or a cold drink? 你喜欢要茶还是要冷饮?     have cold meat and salad for supper 晚饭吃凉肉和色拉     Don´t let your dinner get cold, ie Eat it while it is still warm. 不要让饭凉了(趁热吃). 3 (a) (of a person, his manner, etc) without friendliness, kindness or enthusiasm; without emotion (指人、 态度等)不友好的; 不和气的; 不热情的; 冷淡的     a cold look, stare, welcome, reception, etc 冷淡的表情、 目光、 迎接、 接待等     cold fury, ie violent anger kept under control 强忍住的怒火. (b) sexually unresponsive; frigid 无性欲反应的; 性冷感的. 4 suggesting coldness; creating an impression of coldness 显示出寒冷的; 产生冷的印象的     a cold grey colour 冷灰色     cold skies 令人有寒冷感觉的天空. 5 (in children´s games) not close to finding a hidden object, the correct answer, etc (儿童游戏中)远离隐藏物的, 远未猜中的. 6 [pred 作表语] (infml 口) unconscious (used esp in the expression shown) 无知觉(尤用於下列示例)     knock sb (out) cold 击昏某人. 7 [pred 作表语] dead 死. 8 (idm 习语) blow hot and cold => blow1. ,cold `comfort thing that offers little or no consolation 不起(什麽)安慰作用的事物     After losing my job it was cold comfort to be told I´d won the office raffle. 我失去工作以後, 听说我抽中了公司的奖券, 有同画饼. a ,cold `fish (derog 贬) person who shows no emotion or is very aloof 无热情的人; 冷漠的人. ,cold `turkey (sl 俚 esp US) (a) way of treating a drug addict by suddenly stopping all his doses of the drug instead of gradually reducing them 使有毒瘾者突然停用毒品而不是逐渐减少剂量的处理方法. (b) frank statement of the truth, often about sth unpleasant 直言不讳; 照实说     talk cold turkey to/with sb 对[与]某人直言不讳. get/have cold `feet (infml 口) become/be afraid or reluctant to do sth (esp sth risky or dangerous) 临阵退缩或胆怯     He got cold feet at the last minute. 他事到临头却退缩了. give sb/get the cold `shoulder treat sb/be treated in a deliberately unfriendly way 故意冷落某人. in cold `blood without feeling pity or remorse; deliberately and callously 残忍地; 蓄意地; 冷酷地     kill, murder, shoot, etc sb in cold blood 残忍地将某人杀死、 谋杀、 射杀等. leave sb cold => leave1. make sb´s blood run cold => blood1. pour/throw cold `water on sth be discouraging or unenthusiastic about sth 对某事物泼冷水(泄气或不热心)     pour cold water on sb´s plans, ideas, hopes, etc 对某人的计划、 主意、 希望泼冷水. cold n 1 [U] lack of heat or warmth; low temperature (esp in the atmosphere) 冷; 寒冷     shiver with cold 冻得发抖     the heat of summer and the cold of winter 夏暑冬寒     Don´t stand outside in the cold. 不要站在外面冻著.     She doesn´t seem to feel the cold. 她似乎不觉得冷. 2 [C, U] infectious illness of the nose or throat or both, with catarrh, sneezing, coughing, etc 伤风; 感冒     a bad, heavy, slight cold 严重、 重、 轻感冒     have a cold in the head/on the chest 患伤风头疼[伤风咳嗽] * catch (a) cold 患感冒. 3 (idm 习语) (leave sb/be) ,out in the `cold excluded from a group or an activity; ignored 被排斥在某集体或某项活动之外的; 不被理睬的     When the coalition was formed, the Communists were left out in the cold. 各党形成联盟时, 共产党人被排斥在外.




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