

单词 on
释义 on adv part (For special uses with many vs, eg hang on, go on, take sth on, see the v entries. 可与许多动词连用, 如hang on、 go on、 take sth on, 其释义见各动词词条.) 1 (indicating continued activity, progress or state 表示继续的活动、 进展或状态)     She talked on for two hours without stopping. 她不停地讲了两个钟头.     He can work on without a break. 他能不停地工作.     If you like a good story, read on. 好的小说要是喜欢就一直看下去.     They wanted the band to play on. 他们要乐队接著演奏下去.     The war still went on, ie didn´t end. 战争仍在进行.     He slept on through all the noise. 他在一片嘈杂声中仍睡他的觉. 2 (indicating movement forward or progress in space or time 表示在空间或时间中的移动前进或进展)     run, walk, hurry, etc on to the bus-stop 跑、 走、 赶著去公共汽车站     Please send my letter on to my new address. 请把我的信送往新址.     from that day on, ie from then until now 从那天起     On with the show (ie Let it begin/continue)! 节目开始[继续进行]吧! 3 (a) (of clothes) in position on sb´s body; being worn (指衣物)穿上, 戴上, 穿著, 戴著     Put your coat on. 穿上你的大衣.     Why hasn´t she got her glasses on? 她怎麽没戴眼镜呢?     Your hat´s not on straight. 你的帽子没戴正. (b) in the correct position above or forming part of sth 在某物上; 构成某物的一部分     Make sure the lid is on. 盖子要盖上.     Leave it with the cover on. 就让它带著套子吧.     The skirt is finished I´m now going to sew a pocket on. 裙子做好了--我现在再缝上个口袋. Cf 参看 off2 2. 4 (a) (esp of electrical apparatus, etc or power supplies) in action or use; being operated (尤指电器等或电源)在接通或使用中     The lights were all on. 灯都开著.     The TV is always on in their house. 他们家电视老开著.     Someone has left the tap on, ie The water is running. 有人忘了关水龙头了.     I can smell gas -- is the oven on? 我闻到煤气味了--烤箱开著呢吧?     leave the handbrake on 手闸要拉上. (b) available or connected 可用的; 接通的     We were without electricity for three hours but it´s on again now. 我们的电停了三小时, 现在又有了.     Is the water on? 自来水接通了吗? Cf 参看 off2 5. 5 (of a performance, play, etc) in progress (指演出、 戏剧等)在进行中     The film was already on when we arrived. 我们到时, 电影已经开演了.     The strike has been on now for six weeks. 罢工至今已进行六个星期了. 6 planned to take place in the future 按计画将发生     Is the match on at 2 pm or 3 pm? 比赛是下午2时还是3时开始?     The postal strike is still on, ie has not been cancelled. 邮政工人罢工仍要举行. Cf 参看 off2 4. 7 (of programmes, films, entertainments, etc) that can be seen; showing; being performed (指节目、 电影、 娱乐等)在上演, 在放映, 在演出     Look in the TV guide to see what´s on. 看看电视节目表上有什麽节目?     What´s on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院演什麽?     There´s a good play on at the local theatre. 本地剧院正在上演一出好剧.     What time is the news on? 新闻节目什麽时候开始? 8 arranged to take place; happening安排; 事情; 活动     Have we got anything (ie any engagements, plans, etc) on for this evening? 今天晚上我们有什麽安排吗? 9 (a) (of a performer) on the stage; performing (指演员)在台上, 在演出     I´m on in five minutes. 我五分钟後就要上场.     What time is the group on? 这一组什麽时候演出? Cf 参看 off2 8. (b) (of a worker) on duty; working (指工作人员)在班上, 值班, 工作     The night nurse is/goes on at 7pm. 晚班护士7点钟上班. Cf 参看 off2 6. 10 in or into a vehicle; inside 进入车辆里; 在里面     The coach-driver waited until everybody was on. 大轿车司机等著大家都上了车.     Four people got on. 四个人上了车. 11 with the specified part in front or at the point of contact 以某部分在前面或在接触点上     enter the harbour broadside on 船侧向前进港     crash head on with a car 迎头与汽车相撞     place it end on with the others 将末端与其他的相连接. 12 (idm 习语) be `on (infml 口) be practical, right or acceptable 行得通的; 对头的; 认可的     That just isn´t on. 那样不行.     You´re on/not on! ie I accept/don´t accept the proposition, bet, etc. 我接受[不接受]! (指你的建议、 赌注等). be on (for sth) (infml 口) take part (in sth) 参加(某事)     Are you on for this game? 这场有你参加吗? be/go/keep on about sth (infml derog 口, 贬) talk in a boring, tedious or complaining way about sth唠叨; 抱怨     What´s he on about now? 他在絮叨什麽? be/go/keep on at sb (to do sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) nag or pester sb (to do sth) 责怪或纠缠某人(做某事物)     He was on at me again to lend him money. 他又来缠著我借钱了. Cf 参看 be onto sb (onto). later on => late. on and off => off2. ,on and `on without stopping; continuously 不停地; 不断地     He kept moaning on and on. 他呻吟不已. on prep (For special uses in many idioms, eg have pity on sb, and phrasal verbs, eg pin sth on sb, see the n and v entries. 在许多习语如have pity on sb中, 及短语动词如pin sth on sb中, 有特定用法, 其释义见各名词及动词词条. ) 1 (also upon) (a) (in or into a position) covering, touching or forming part of (a surface) (在某位置中或进入某位置中)覆盖, 接触(某表面)或形成其一部分     a picture on the wall 墙上的画     a drawing on the blackboard 黑板上画的图     dirty marks on the ceiling 天花板上的污斑     Leave the glasses on the table. 杯子就在桌上放著吧.     sit on the grass 坐在草地上     leaves floating on the water 浮在水面上的叶子     the diagram on Page 5 第5页上的图表 (Cf 参看 in the next chapter, paragraph)     stick a stamp on an envelope 往信封上贴邮票     a carpet on the floor 地板上的地毯     hit sb on the head 击某人的头部     travel on the continent在大陆上旅行 (Cf 参看 a country in Europe). (b) supported by or attached to (sb/sth) 由(某人[某事物])支撑; 依附於(某人[某物]): a roof on a house 房顶     stand on one foot 单脚站立     a spot on one´s chin 下巴上的斑点     a blister on one´s foot 脚上的泡     a ring on one´s finger 手指上的戒指     lean on me/my arm 靠著我[我的胳膊]     a flag on a pole 旗杆上的旗     a coat on a hook 衣钩上的大衣     hanging on a string 在绳子上挂著     a hat on one´s head 头上的帽子     sit on a chair 坐在椅子上     (fig 比喻) have sth on one´s mind 有心事. 2 in or into (a large public vehicle) 在(大型交通工具)中或进入其中     on the plane from London to New York 在从伦敦飞往纽约的飞机上     have lunch on the train 在火车上用午餐     travel on the bus, the tube, the coach, etc 乘坐公共汽车、 地铁、 长途汽车等 (Cf 参看 travel by bus, etc; sitting in the bus, etc). 3 (used esp with pers prons 尤与人称代词连用) being carried by (sb); in the possession of 身上带著; 有     Have you got any money on you? 你带著钱呢吗?     The burglar was caught with the stolen goods still on him. 窃贼被捕时人赃并获. 4 (a) (indicating a time when sth happens; in US English often with on omitted 表示事情发生的时间; 在美式英语中on常予省略): on Sunday(s) 在星期日     on May the first 在五月一日     on the evening of May the first 在五月一日晚上 (Cf 参看 in the evening)     on this occasion 在这一次     on a sunny day in August 在八月中一个晴朗的日子     on your birthday, New Year´s day, Christmas day, etc 在你的生日、 新年、 圣诞节等. Cf 参看 in2 3, at 2. =>Usage at time1 用法见time1. (b) (also upon) at or immediately after the time or occasion of 就在某时或某场合(之後)     On my arrival home/On arriving home I discovered the burglary. 我一到家就发现家中被盗.     On (my) asking for information I was told I must wait. 我一打听, 说我得等著.     on the death of his parents 在他父母去世时     on the unexpected news of his accident 在获悉他发生事故这一意外的消息後. 5 about; concerning 关於; 论及     speak, write, lecture, etc on Shakespeare 有关莎士比亚的演讲、 写作、 讲授等     a lesson on philosophy 一堂哲学课     an essay on political economy 政治经济学方面的文章     a programme on twentieth-century musicians 二十世纪音乐家的节目. =>Usage at about3 用法见about3. 6 (indicating membership of a group or an organization 表示为某集团或某组织的成员)     on the committee, staff, jury, panel 在委员会、 全体职员、 陪审团、 评判小组中     Which/Whose side are you on? ie Which of two or more opposing views do you support? 你站在哪[谁]一边(支持哪种意见)? 7 regularly consuming (sth) 按时消耗或用掉(某物)     Most cars run on petrol. 多数汽车用汽油驱动.     The doctor put me on these tablets. 医生让我服用这些药片.     live on bread and water 靠面包和水生活     on (ie addicted to) heroin 有海洛因瘾. 8 (indicating direction) towards (指示方向)朝, 向     marching on the capital 向首都进发     turn one´s back on sb 把背朝向某人     pull/draw a knife on sb, ie to attack him 拔出[抽出]刀攻击某人     creep up on sb 悄悄地向某人爬去     On the left you can see the palace. 往左你可以看到那座宫殿. 9 (also upon) near; close to (a place or time) 接近, 靠近(某地点或时间)     a town on the coast 沿海的市镇     a house on the main road 公路旁的房子     a village on the border 边界附近的村子     Just on (ie Almost exactly) a year ago I moved to London. 就在一年以前我搬到了伦敦.     boats moored on both sides of the river 在河的两边停泊著的船     hedges on either side of the road 道路两侧的树篱. 10 (also upon) (indicating a basis, ground or reason for sth) as a result of; because of (表示为某事物的基础、 根据或理由)由於, 因为     a story based on fact 以事实为依据的故事     have sth on good authority 对某事物有可靠根据     On your advice I applied for the job. 我听从你的建议申请了这份工作.     arrested on a charge of theft 因盗窃被捕     You have it on my word, ie I promise you it will happen, etc. 相信我的话, 那事肯定会发生. 11 supported financially by (sb/sth) 财务上依靠(某人[某事物])     live on a pension, one´s savings, a student grant, etc 靠养老金、 积蓄、 助学金等生活     be on a low wage 依靠很低的工资     feed a family on 20 a week 靠每周20英镑养家     an operation on the National Health Service 靠国民保健署资助进行的手术     (infml 口) Drinks are on me, ie I will pay for them. 饮料钱归我付. 12 by means of (sth); using 藉助於, 靠, 用(某事物)     play a tune on the recorder 用竖笛吹奏一曲     broadcast on the TV/radio 在电视台上[电台上]播放     speak on the telephone 在电话中说. 13 (also upon) (indicating an increase, esp of cost) 表示加上(尤指费用): a tax on tobacco 烟草税     charge interest on the loan 要为借款付息     a strain on our resources 我们资源上的负担. 14 (indicating an activity, a purpose or a state 表示活动、 目的或状态)     on business/holiday 办公[度假]     go on an errand 出差     on loan for a week 暂借一星期     on special offer 特别优惠. 15 in addition to (sth); following 除(某事物)之外; 接连     suffer disaster on disaster 一再遭受灾祸     receive insult on insult 屡受侮辱.




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