

单词 flush
释义 flush n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (a) flow of blood to the face that causes a red colouring; blush 脸红. (b) sudden rush of emotions, excitement, etc 感情、 激情等的突发; 激动; 兴奋     a flush of enthusiasm, anger, joy, etc 一阵热情、 怒火、 喜悦等. 2 [sing] rush of water, esp for cleaning a toilet 冲水(尤指冲马桶)     Give the toilet a flush. 冲一冲马桶. 3 [C] new fresh growth, esp of plants 新的成长; (尤指)萌发. 4 (idm 习语) (in) the first/full flush of `youth, etc (in) the freshness orvigour of youth, etc; at its beginning/most fully developed stage 青春的初期[年轻力壮]; (在)初发[旺盛]阶段     the first flush of manhood 男子成年初期的精力     In the full flush of success, nothing was an obstacle. 在成就如日中天时, 其势锐不可当. flush v 1 (a) [La, I] (of a person´s face) become red because of a rush of blood to the skin; blush (指人的面部)变红, 发红     Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment. 玛丽羞得脸红了. (b) [Tn] (of illness, feelings, etc) cause (the face) to become red (指疾病、 情感等)使(面部)变红     Fever flushed his cheeks. 他发烧满脸通红. 2 (a) [Tn] clean (esp a toilet or drain) with a rush of water (用水)冲洗(尤指马桶或下水道)     Please flush the toilet after you´ve used it. 便後请冲水. (b) [I] (of a toilet) be cleaned in this way (指马桶)被冲洗     The toilet won´t flush properly, ie it is blocked. 马桶冲不下去了(堵塞了). 3 (phr v) flush sth away, down, through, etc dispose of sth with a rush of water 用水将某物冲掉     flush waste down a sink 把残渣从洗涤槽冲走. flush v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] cause (birds) to fly suddenly, esp from undergrowth 使(鸟)突然飞起(尤指从矮树丛中)     flush a pheasant (from cover) 惊起(躲藏著的)野鸡. (b) [I] (of birds) fly suddenly, esp from undergrowth (指鸟)突然飞起(尤指从矮树丛中). 2 (phr v) flush sb out (of sth) force sb to leave a hiding-place; drive sb out 迫使某人离开藏身处; 将某人赶出     flush out spies, criminals, snipers, etc 迫使间谍、 罪犯、 狙击手等离开藏身处. flush n (in card-games) set of cards held by a player, all of which belong to the same suit (纸牌戏)同花的一手牌, 清一色     She won with a royal flush, ie the five highest cards of a suit. 她以同花大顺(最大的同花顺次五张)获胜. flush adj ~ (with sth) 1 completely level or even with another surface (与另一个面)完全齐平的     flush fittings 装置在同一平面上的组件     The door should be flush with the wall. 门应该与墙在同一平面上. 2 [pred 作表语] (infml 口) having a lot of sth, esp money; well supplied 很多(尤指金钱); 充裕     flush with funds 金钱充足.




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