

单词 prance
释义 prance v 1 [I] (of a horse) move jerkily by raising the forelegs and springing forward from the hind legs (指马)腾跃. 2 (phr v) prance about, along, around, in, out, etc move in the specified direction in a high-spirited or arrogant way 手舞足蹈地或神气活现地朝某方向移动     She was prancing along in her new outfit. 她穿著全套新衣服神气活现地走著.     He pranced out of the room in a fury. 他盛怒之下大摇大摆走出了房间.     They were prancing about (ie jumping or dancing happily) to the music. 他们跟著音乐欢蹦乱跳. prance, n [sing] prancing movement (马的)腾跃; 欢蹦乱跳; 昂首阔步.




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