

单词 but
释义 but adv 1 (esp dated or fml 尤作旧或作文雅语) only 只; 仅仅     He´s but a boy. 他不过是个孩子.     If I had but known she was ill, I would have visited her. 我倘若知道她病了, 早就去探望她了.     I don´t think we´ll succeed. Still, we can but try. 我想我们不会成功. 但是不妨试一试. 2 (idm 习语) one cannot/could not but... (fml 文) one can only...; one is obliged to... 不得不...; 只好...     It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage. 这事做得过於鲁莽, 然而不能不佩服她的勇气.     I could not but admit that he was right and I was wrong. 我不得不承认他对了, 我错了. but conj (often used to introduce a word or phrase contrasting with or qualifying what has gone before 常用以引出与前文相对照或修饰前文的词语) 1 on the contrary 相反地; 而; 却     You´ve bought the wrong shirt. It´s not the red one I wanted but the blue one. 你买错了衬衫. 我要的不是红色的; 而是蓝色的.     Tom went to the party, but his brother didn´t. 汤姆去参加聚会了, 他的兄弟却没去.     He doesn´t like music but his wife does. 他不喜欢音乐, 可他的妻子却很喜欢. 2 (a) yet; however; in spite of this 但; 然而; 尽管如此     She cut her knee badly, but didn´t cry. 她弄伤了膝盖, 但是并没有哭.     I´d love to go to the theatre tonight, but I´m too busy. 我倒是很想今晚去看戏的, 只是我太忙了.     This restaurant serves cheap but excellent food. 这家餐馆价廉物美.     He´s hard-working, but not very clever. 他很努力, 却不大聪明. (b) yet also; at the same time 但也; 但又; 同时也; 同时又     He was tired but happy after the long walk. 他走了一段很长的路之後, 虽然很累但也很愉快. 3 (dated or fml 旧或文) (usu after a negative 通常用於否定词语之後) without the result that...; without it also being the case that... 而不产生...的结果; 而不同时也...     I never pass my old house but I think of the happy years I spent there. 每当我路过我的故居时, 都会追忆起我在那儿度过的快乐岁月.     No man is so cruel but he may feel some pity. 没有人会残忍到连一点同情心都没有. 4 (showing disagreement, surprise or astonishment 表示异议、惊奇或吃惊)     `I´ll give you ten pounds to repair the damage.´ `But that´s not nearly enough!´ `我给你十英镑赔偿你的损失吧.' `那可远远不够哇!'     `I´m getting married.´ `But that´s wonderful!´ `我快要结婚了.' `啊, 那太好了!' 5 (used to emphasize a word 用以加强某词的语气)     Nothing, but nothing will make me change my mind. 没有任何事情, 绝对没有任何事情可以使我改变主意. 6 (idm 习语) ,but me no `buts don´t argue with me or make excuses 不要跟我争辩或推托. ,but that... (dated or fml 旧或文) (a) were it not for the fact that... 要不是...; 若非...     But that you had seen me in the water. but prep 1 (used after the negatives nobody, none, nowhere, etc, the question words who, where, etc, and also all, everyone, anyone, etc 用於否定词nobody、none、nowhere等和疑问词who、where等之後, 以及 all、everyone、anyone等之後) except (sb/sth); apart from; other than 除(某人[某事物])以外; 此外; 不同於     The problem is anything but easy. 这个问题可绝对不容易.     Everyone was there but him. 除了他之外, 所有的人都在.     Nobody but you could be so selfish. 除了你之外, 谁也不会这样自私.     Nothing but trouble will come of this plan. 这个计划只能带来麻烦. 2 (idm 习语) but for sb/sth except for sb/sth; without sb/sth 要不是因为某人[某事物]; 如果没有某人[某事物]     But for the rain we would have had a nice holiday. 要不是因为下雨, 我们的假日一定过得很惬意.     But for the safety-belt I wouldn´t be alive today. 假若没有安全带, 我就活不到今天了. but rel pron 关系代词 (dated or fml 旧或文) (after a negative 用於否定词语之後) who/that do/does not 无人[事物]不     There is no man but feels (ie no man who does not feel) pity for starving children. 没有人不同情那些嗷嗷待哺的孩子.     There is not one of us but wishes (ie not one of us that does not wish) to help you. 我们没有一个人不想帮助你.




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