

单词 starter
释义 starter n 1 person, horse, etc taking part in a race at the start 起跑的人、 马或其他动物     Of the five starters in the race only three finished. 起跑时有五 个, 只有三个跑完全程. Cf 参看 non-starter. 2 person who gives the signal for a race to start 起跑裁判员; 发令员     waiting for the starter´s gun to fire 等待发令员的枪响. 3 (usu with an adj 通常与形容词连用) person who starts sth (esp in the way specified by the adj) 开始进行某事者(尤指以该形容词所描述的方式)     He´s a fast starter. 他做事起步很快. 4 device for starting a machine, esp an engine 启动装置(尤指发动机的). 5 (infml 口 esp Brit) (US also appetizer) first course of a meal (esp one with more than two courses) 第一道菜(尤指其後尚有至少两道菜)     What would you like as a starter? 您第一道菜想来点什麽? 6 (idm 习语) for `starters (infml 口) first of all; to start with 首先; 作为开头. under ,starter´s `orders (of horses, athletes, etc ready to start a race) waiting for the order or signal to start (指参赛的马、 运动员等)等待起跑的口令或信号.




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