

单词 walk
释义 walk v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, In/pr] (a) (of a person) move along at a moderate pace by lifting up and putting down each foot in turn, so that one foot is on the ground while the other is being lifted (指人)行走     How old was the baby when she started to walk? 这个女孩几岁开始走路的?     We walked slowly home. 我们慢慢走回家.     He walked into the room. 他走进了房间.     walking up and down 走来走去     They walked along the river. 他们沿著河边走.     I´ve walked ten miles today. 我今天走了10英里路. Cf 参看 run1, trot 2. (b) travel in this way and not ride, drive, be driven, etc 步行     `How did you get here?´ `I walked.´ `你是怎麽来的?'`我走来的.'     I missed the bus and had to walk home. 我没赶上公共汽车, 只好走回家. (c) (often 常作 go walking) travel in this way for exercise or pleasure (为锻炼或娱乐)步行, 散步     I like walking. 我喜欢散步.     We are going walking in the Alps this summer. 今年夏天我们要到阿尔卑斯山去徒步旅行. (d) (of four-footed animals) move at the slowest pace, always having at least two feet on the ground (指四足动物)慢步走. Cf 参看 gallop, trot 1. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] cause (sb/sth) to walk, esp by accompanying him/it 使(某人[某物])行走(尤指与之同行)     Horses should be walked for a while after a race. 马在比赛後应该遛一遛.     He´s out walking the dog. 他出去遛狗去了.     He walked the horse up the hill. 他牵著马上山去了.     He walked her to her car. 他陪她走到她的汽车那儿.     He put his arm round me and walked me away. 他伸出手臂搂著我, 带我走开了.     I´ll walk you home. 我陪你走回家去. 3 [Tn] go along or over (sth) on foot 步行沿(某处)走或走过(某处)     walk the fields looking for wild flowers 走过田野寻找著野花. 4 [I] (dated 旧) (of a ghost, etc) be seen moving about; appear (指鬼魂等)出动, 出现     It was the sort of night when phantoms might walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候. 5 (idm 习语) be on/walk the streets => street. run before one can walk tackle difficult tasks before one has learnt the basic skills 不会走就想跑(未学会基本技能就想处理困难事物)     Don´t try to run before you can walk. 别不会走路就想跑. walk before one can `run learn the basic skills before trying to tackle more difficult tasks 先学会了走再跑(学会基本技能後再处理困难事物). a walking `dictionary, encyclo`pedia, etc person who has a wide vocabulary or who seems to be very knowledgeable about a particular subject 活字典、 活百科全书等     She´s a walking textbook of medicine. 她是活的医学教科书. walk one´s legs off (infml 口) walk until one is exhausted 走得筋疲力尽. walk sb off his `feet (infml 口) tire sb by making him walk too far or too fast (走得太远或太快)把某人累得疲惫不堪. walk the `plank be sent to one´s death by pirates by being forced to walk along a plank and to fall into the sea 被海盗逼著走上木板掉海淹死. walk `tall feel proud and confident 感到骄傲而自信. walk/tread a tightrope => tightrope (tight). 6 (phr v) walk away from sb/sth beat (an opponent) easily in a contest (在比赛中)轻易击败(对手). walk away/off with sth (infml 口) (a) win (a prize) easily 轻易赢得(奖品)     She walked away with two first prizes. 她轻而易举地赢了两项头等奖. (b) steal sth 偷走某物     Somebody has walked off with my pen. 有人把我的钢笔偷走了. walk n 1 (a) [C] journey on foot, esp for pleasure or exercise 行走, 步行(尤指为散步或锻炼的): go for a walk 去散步     have a pleasant walk across the fields 愉快地漫步走过田野     She took the dog for a walk. 她带著狗去散步. (b) [sing] distance of this 步行的距离     The station is ten minutes´ walk from my house. 车站离我家要步行十分钟.     It´s a short walk to the beach. 步行没多远就可到海滩. 2 [sing] (a) manner or style of walking; gait 步态     I recognized him at once by his walk. 我一看那走路的样子就知道是他. (b) walking pace 步行的速度     The horse slowed to a walk after its long gallop. 那匹马跑了一大阵後慢下来缓步而行.     After running for ten minutes, he dropped into a walk, ie began to walk. 他跑了十分钟後就改成步行了. 3 [C] path or route for walking 步行的路径或路线     The path through the forest is one of my favourite walks. 我最喜欢散步的小路就是穿过树林的那条.     Some of the walks in this area are only possible in dry weather. 这一带的一些小路只有晴天才能走.     The garden is well laid out, with many pleasant walks. 这个花园布局很好, 有许多宜人小径. 4 (idm 习语) cock of the walk => cock1. a walk of `life person´s occupation, profession or rank 行业; 职业; 阶层     They interview people from all walks of life. 他们采访各行各业的人.




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