

单词 get
释义 get v (-tt-, pt got , pp got; US gotten ); get, RECEIVING OR OBTAINING 接到或得到 1 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] receive (sth) 收到, 接到(某物)     I got a letter from my sister this morning. 今晨我接到妹妹的信.     Did you get my postcard? 你收到我的明信片了吗?     What did you get for Christmas? 你收到什麽圣诞节礼物了吗?     He gets (ie earns) £25000 a year. 他每年收入25000英镑.     This room gets very little sunshine. 这房间没什麽阳光.     Schoolteachers get long holidays. 中小学教师有长假.     He got (ie was hit by) a bullet in the thigh. 他大腿中弹.     She got a shock when she saw the telephone bill. 她看到电话帐单大吃一惊.     I got the impression that he was bored with his job. 我得到的印象是他对工作感到厌倦. 2 [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] (a) ~ sth (for oneself/sb) obtain sth 得到某事物     Where did you get (ie buy) that skirt? 你那条裙子是从哪儿买的?     Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? 你弄到音乐会的票了吗?     She opened the door wider to get a better look. 她为了看得更清楚, 把门开大了一些.     Try to get some sleep. 去睡一会儿吧.     He doesn´t look as though he gets enough exercise. 他似乎缺乏锻炼.     Johnson got (ie won) the gold medal in the 100 metres. 约翰逊获得百米金牌.     She´s just got (ie been appointed to) a job with a publishing company. 她刚得到在出版公司的工作.     Why don´t you get (yourself) a flat of your own? 你为什麽不弄套房子?     Have you remembered to get your mother a birthday present/to get a birthday present for your mother? 记得给你母亲买生日礼物了吗? (b) ~ sb/sth (for oneself/sb) fetch sb/sth 接(某人); 取(某物)     Go and get a dictionary and we´ll look the word up. 去拿词典来, 我们查查这个字.     Somebody get a doctor! I think this woman´s had a heart attack. 谁去把医生找来! 我看这女人心脏病发作了.     I have to go and get my mother (ie collect her in a car) from the station. 我要到车站接母亲.     Could you get me that book (down) from the top shelf? 请你把最高一格的那本书给我取(下)好吗?     Can I get you a drink/get a drink for you? 我给您弄点什麽喝好吗? 3 [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (for sth) obtain or receive (an amount of money) by selling sth (卖某物)得到或收到(钱)     `How much did you get for your old car?´ `I got £800 (for it).´ `你的旧汽车卖了多少钱?'`卖了800英镑. 4 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] receive (sth) as a punishment 受到(某种)惩罚     He got ten years (ie was sentenced to ten years in prison) for armed robbery. 他因械劫罪被判十年徒刑. 5 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (a) be able to receive broadcasts from (a particular television or radio station) 收听或收看到(某电视台或电台的)节目     We can´t get Channel 4 on our television. 我们的电视机收看不到第4频道的节目. (b) be connected with (sb) by telephone (与某人)接通电话     I wanted to speak to the manager but I got his secretary instead. 我想找经理说话, 可是接电话的是他的秘书. 6 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] regularly buy (a newspaper) 定期买(报纸)     Do you get `The Times´ or the `Guardian´? 你经常买《泰晤士报》还是《卫报》? 7 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] become infected with (an illness); suffer from or be affected by (a pain, etc) 感染(某病); 患(病); 受(疼痛等)侵袭     get bronchitis, flu, measles, etc 患支气管炎、 流感、 麻疹等     She gets (ie regularly suffers from) bad headaches. 她经常头痛. 8 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] achieve or be awarded (the specified examination grade, class of degree, etc) (考试)达到(某等级); 获授予(某学位)     She got a first in English at Oxford. 她在牛津大学学习英文, 获优等学位. get, REACHING OR BRINGING TO A PARTICULAR STATE OR CONDITION 达到或使处於某状态或情况 9 (a) [La] reach the specified state or condition; become 达到某状态或情况; 变得     get angry, bored, hungry, worried, etc 发怒、 生厌、 饥饿、 不安     get fat, fit, thinner, etc 发胖、 健康、 变瘦     It/The weather is getting colder. 天气渐冷.     She´s getting better, eg after her illness. 她渐渐好了(如病後).     You´ll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella. 雨天外出不带伞会淋湿的.     You´ll soon get used to the climate here. 你很快就会习惯这里的气候.     We ought to go; it´s getting late. 我们该走了, 天越来越晚了. =>Usage at become 用法见become. (b) [La, Cn.a] cause oneself to be in the specified state or condition 使自己处於某状态或情况     get dressed/undressed, ie put one´s clothes on/take one´s clothes off 穿上[脱下]衣服     They plan to get married in the summer. 他们打算夏天结婚.     She´s upstairs getting (herself) ready (to go out). 她在楼上(更衣)准备(外出). (c) (used in place of be with a past participle to form passive constructions 代替be, 与过去分词连用构成被动结构)     Do you think the Tories will get (ie be) re-elected? 你认为保守党能再次当选吗?     I wouldn´t go there after dark; you might get (ie be) mugged. 天黑之後我就不到那里去了, 怕有人抢劫. 10 [Cn.a] cause (sb/sth) to be or become 使(某人[某事物]为)成     She soon got the children ready for school. 她很快帮孩子做好上学的准备.     I must get the dinner ready, ie prepare it. 我得把饭做好.     Don´t get your new trousers dirty! 别把你的新裤子弄脏!     Don´t let the incident get you upset. 别为这事烦恼.     Do you think you´ll get the work finished on time? 你认为你的工作可以如期完成吗?     He got his wrist broken, ie broke it accidentally. 他扭伤了手腕.     I couldn´t get the car started this morning. 今晨我无法把汽车发动起来.     Go and get your hair cut! 你去理理发去!     She got her fingers caught in the door. 她的手指让门给夹了. get, MAKING SOMETHING HAPPEN 使某事发生 11 [Cn.g] bring (sb/sth) to the point at which he/it is doing sth 使(某人[某事物])做某事     Can you really get that old car going again? 你真能让那辆旧汽车再跑起来?     It´s not hard to get him talking; the problem is stopping him! 让他说话不难, 难的是说开了止不住他! 12 [Cn.t] cause, persuade, etc (sb/sth) to do sth 使, 说服...(某人[某事物])做某事     I couldn´t get the car to start (ie make it start) this morning. 今早我无法把汽车发动起来.     He got (ie persuaded) his sister to help him with his homework. 他说服他姐姐帮他做家庭作业.     You´ll never get him to understand. 谁也无法让他明白.     I can´t get her to talk at all. 我简直无法叫她说话. get, REACHING THE POINT WHERE ONE DOES SOMETHING 做起某事来 13 (a) [Tg] reach thestage at which one is doing sth; start doing sth 做起某事来; 开始做某事     I got talking to her/We got talking. 我和她谈起话来了[我们谈起话来了].     We got chatting and discovered we´d been at college together.我们聊起天来才发现我们原是校友.     get working on a problem 开始研究某问题     You have an hour to clean the whole house -- so get scrubbing! 你只有一个小时来打扫整座房子--快开始擦洗吧! (b) [It] reach the point at which one feels, knows, is, etc sth 开始感觉到、 认识、 成为...某事物     You´ll like her once you get to know her. 你一旦了解她, 就喜欢她了.     How did you get to know (ie discover or learn) that I was here? 你怎麽知道我在这里?     One soon gets to like it here. 谁都会很快就喜欢这里的.     She´s getting to be an old lady now. 她现在可算是位老妇人了.     After a time you get to realize that these things don´t matter. 你过些时候就知道这些事无关紧要.     His drinking is getting to be a problem. 他酗酒越来越成问题了.     Your mother will be furious if she gets to hear of this. 你母亲若知此事定会怒不可遏. 14 [It] (esp US) have the chance or opportunity to do sth; manage to do sth 有做某事的时机; 设法做某事     Did you get to see the Louvre while you were in Paris? 你在巴黎时有机会参观罗浮宫吗?     One day we´ll both get to see New York. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约.     When do I get to go to a movie? 我什麽时候才可以去看场电影? get, MOVING OR CAUSING TO MOVE 移动或使移动 15 (a) [Ipr, Ip] move to or from a specified point or in a specified direction, sometimes with difficulty 到或离开某处或沿某方向移动(有时有困难)     The bridge was destroyed so we couldn´t get across (ie cross) the river. 桥已毁坏, 我们无法过河.     She got back into bed. 她回到床上.     She got down from the ladder. 她从梯子上下来.     He got into the car. 他钻进汽车里.     Can you get over the wall? 你能爬过那堵墙吗?     We didn`t get (ie go) to bed till 3 am. 我们凌晨3时才上床睡觉.     I´m getting off (ie leaving the train) at the next station. 我下站下(火车).     Where have they got to? ie Where are they? 他们到什麽地方去了?     Please let me get by, ie pass. 请让我过去.     We must be getting home; it´s past midnight. 我们得回家了, 已经半夜了. (b) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] cause (sb/sth) to move to or from a specified point or in a specified direction, sometimes with difficulty 使(某人[某事物])到或离开(某处)或沿某方向移动(有时有困难)     The general had to get his troops across the river. 将军要使其部队过河.     We couldn´t get the piano through the door. 我们无法将钢琴搬过这道门.     He´s drunk again; we´d better call a taxi and get him home. 他又醉了, 最好叫辆计程车把他送回家去.     I can´t get the lid on/off. 我盖不上[取不下]盖子. (c) [Ipr, Ip] ~ to/into...; ~ in arrive at or reach a place or point 来到或到达某地或某点     We got to London at 7 o´clock. 我们7点到达伦敦.     The train gets into Glasgow at 6 o´clock in the morning. 火车早晨6点到达格拉斯哥.     You got in/home very late last night. 昨夜你回来[回家]很晚.     What time did you get here? 你什麽时候到这里的?     I haven´t got very far with the book I´m reading. 那本书我还没读多少呢. 16 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] travel by (bus, taxi, plane, etc); take (a bus, etc) 乘(公共汽车、 计程车、 飞机等)     We´re going to be late; let´s get a taxi. 我们要迟到了, 坐计程车吧.     `How do you come to work?´ `I usually get the bus.´ `你怎麽来上班的?'`一般坐公共汽车.'; get v (-tt-, pt got , pp got; US gotten ); get, OTHER MEANINGS 其他意义 17 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for oneself/sb) prepare (a meal) 准备(饭菜)     Don´t disturb your mother while she´s getting (the) dinner. 你母亲做饭时不要打搅她.     I have to go home and get the children their supper/get supper for the children. 我得回去给孩子做晚饭. 18 [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) catch or seize (sb/sth) 抓住或捕获(某人[某物])     He was on the run for a week before the police got him. 他逃跑一周後警方才逮住他.     get sb by the arm, scruff of the neck, throat, wrist, etc 抓住某人的胳膊、 脖子的後部、 喉咙、 手腕等. (b) catch and harm, injure or kill (sb), often in revenge for sth 捉住并伤害或杀死(某人)(常指报复)     She fell overboard and the sharks got her. 她从船上跌落水中, 被鲨鱼咬了.     He thinks the Mafia are out to get him. 他意识到黑手党要来报复他.     I´ll get you for that, you bastard! 我早晚要跟你算那笔帐, 你这坏蛋! (c) hit or wound (sb) 击中或伤(某人)     Where did the stone get you? 那石头砸到你哪儿了?     The bullet got him in the neck. 子弹击中他的颈部.     I got him on the back of the head with a crowbar. 我一撬棍打在他头的後部. 19 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (infml 口) (a) understand (sb/sth) 理解(某人[某事物])     I don´t get you/your meaning. 我不明白你的意思.     She didn´t get the joke. 她没理解那个笑话.     I don´t get it; why would she do a thing like that? 我不明白她为什麽要做那种事. (b) hear (sth) 听见(某事物)     I didn´t quite get what you said. 我没听清楚你说的话. 20 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (infml 口) confuse or puzzle sb 使某人迷惑或困惑; 难住某人     `What´s the capital of Luxembourg?´ `I don´t know; you´ve got me there!´ `卢森堡的首都叫什麽?'`我不知道, 这你可难住我了!' 21 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] annoy or irritate (sb) 使(某人)烦恼或恼怒     It really gets me when she starts bossing people around. 她颐指气使地对人, 真叫我厌恶. 22 (idm 习语) be getting `on (a) (of a person) be/becoming old (指人)老, 变老     Grandma´s getting on a bit and doesn´t go out as much as she used to. 奶奶年事日高, 不像从前那样常出门了. (b) (of time) be/becoming late (指时间)晚, 渐迟     The time´s getting on; we ought to be going. 时间渐晚, 我们该走了. be getting on for... be near to or approaching (the specified time, age or number) 接近(某时刻、 年龄或数目)     It must be getting on for midnight. 八成已经半夜了.     He must be getting on for eighty! 他一定快八十了! sb can´t/couldn´t get over sth (infml 口) sb is/was shocked, surprised, amused, etc by sth 某人因某事物而震惊、 惊异、 觉得有趣等     I can´t get over that shirt he was wearing. 我觉得他穿的那件衬衣真可笑.     I can´t get over how rude she was. 她很粗野, 我仍心有余悸. get a`long/a`way/`on (with you) (infml 口) (used to express disbelief or to rebuke sb gently 用以表示不相信或温和的反驳)     `How old are you?´ `I´m forty.´ `Get along with you! You don´t look a day over thirty-five!´ `你多少岁了?'`四十岁了.'`别瞎说了, 你看上去顶多三十五岁!' get a`way from it all (infml 口) have a short holiday in a place that is totally different from where one usu lives 到异地度短假. get (sb) anywhere/somewhere/nowhere (infml 口) (cause sb to) achieve something/nothing or to make progress/no progress (使某人)有所成就[毫无成就]或[有进展/无进展]     After six months´ work on the project, at last I feel I´m getting somewhere. 那计画我搞了半年, 终於觉得有所进展.     Are you getting anywhere with your investigations?你的调查有进展吗? `get there achieve one´s aim or complete a task by patience and hard work (耐心而努力地)达到目的或完成任务     I´m sure you´ll get there in the end. 我相信你最终能成功.     Writing a dictionary is a long and difficult business but we´re getting there. 编写词典是费时费事的工作, 但我们一定能成功. how selfish, stupid, ungrateful, etc can you `get? (infml 口) (used to express surprise, disbelief or disapproval that sb has been so selfish, etc 用以表示对某人自私等的惊讶、 不相信或不赞成)     He wouldn´t even lend me ten pence; how mean can you get? 他连十便士都不肯借给我, 你看他有多小气? there´s no getting away from sth; one can´t get away from sth one has to admit the truth of (sth unpleasant) 只好承认或接受(不愉快的事实)     There´s no getting away from the fact that the country´s economy is suffering. 国家经济疲软, 这一事实无法回避. (For other idioms containing get, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与get搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 get sb´s goat => goat; get square with sb => square1.) 23 (phr v) get a`bout (also get a`round) (be able to) move from place to place (能)各处走动     He´s getting about again after his accident. 他在事故过後, 渐渐又能走动了.     She doesn´t get around much these days. 近来她不大各处走动. get a`bout/a`round/`round (of news, a rumour, etc) spread from person to person; circulate (指消息、 谣言等)传播, 流传     The news of her resignation soon got about. 她辞职的消息不久就传开了.




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