

单词 twitter
释义 twitter v 1 [I, Ip] (of birds) make a series of light short sounds; chirp (指鸟)吱吱叫, 啁啾. 2 (infml 口) (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (about sth) talk rapidly in an excited or a nervous way (激动地或紧张地)唧唧喳喳地说话     Stop twittering! 别再唧唧喳喳地说了!     What is he twittering (on) about? 他唧唧喳喳地说什麽呢? (b) [Tn] say (sth) in an excited or nervous way 激动地或紧张地说(某事)     `It´s so marvellous to see you!´ she twittered. `见到你可太好啦!'她兴奋地说. twitter, n [sing] 1 sound of chirping 吱吱的叫声; 啁啾声     the twitter of sparrows 麻雀的叫声. 2 (infml 口) state of nervous excitement 激动; 兴奋; 紧张     a twitter of suspense and anticipation 又担心又期望的纷乱心情. 3 (idm 习语) ,all of a `twitter (infml joc 口, 谑) nervous and excited 紧张而兴奋的     We were all of a twitter on the wedding day. 举行婚礼的那一天, 我们都兴奋极了.




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