

单词 gentleman
释义 gentleman n (pl -men/-mEn; -mEn/) 1 [C] (approv or ironic 褒或反语) man who is polite and shows consideration for the feelings of other people; man who always acts in an honourable way 绅士; 先生; 君子     Thank you. You´re a real gentleman. 谢谢. 您真是君子.     He´s no gentleman! 他可不是正人君子! Cf 参看 lady. 2 (a) gentlemen [pl] (fml 文) (as a polite form of address to men 用作对男性的尊称)     Gentlemen of the jury! 陪审团诸位先生!     Ladies and gentlemen! eg when beginning a speech. 女士们、 先生们! (b) [C] (as a polite way of referring to a man 用作对男子的尊称)     There´s a gentleman at the door. . =>Usage at lady 用法见lady. 3 [C] (dated 旧) man of wealth and social position, esp one who does not work for a living 富绅; (尤指无需谋生的)富贵闲人     a country gentleman 乡间富绅     [attrib 作定语] a gentleman farmer, ie one who owns a farm, but does no manual work himself 乡绅(有农场而不参加体力劳动者).




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