

单词 bounce
释义 bounce v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] (cause sth to) spring back when sent against sth hard (使某物)(碰到硬物)弹回     A rubber ball bounces well. 橡皮球弹力好.     The ball bounced over the wall. 那球弹过墙去了.     The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it. 守门员先把球拍了两下, 然後一脚踢出.     She bounced the ball against the wall. 她把球掷到墙上让它弹回. 2 [I, Ip, Tn] (cause sb to) move up and down in a lively manner (in the specified direction) (使某人)活跃地上下跳动     The child bounced (up and down) on the bed. 那孩子在床上蹦蹦跳跳.     He bounced his baby on his knee. 他把婴儿放在膝上颠著玩. =>Usage at jump2 用法见 jump2. 3 [I] (infml 口) (of a cheque) be sent back by a bank as worthless (because there is no money in the account) (指支票)遭银行退票(因帐户中无钱)     I hope this cheque doesn´t bounce. 我希望这张支票别遭退票. Cf 参看 dishonour v 2. 4 (phr v) bounce along, down, into, etc move in the specified direction with an up and down motion 以上上下下的动作沿某方向移动     He came bouncing into the room. 他蹦蹦跳跳地进了房间.     The car bounced along the bumpy mountain road. 汽车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶. bounce back (infml 口) recover well after a setback 受挫折後恢复原状     Share prices bounced back this morning. 股票价格今晨回升了.     She´s had many misfortunes in her life but she always bounces back. 她一生中经历过许多挫折,然而总是能重新振作起来. bounce, n 1 [C] act of bouncing 弹跳: catch a ball on the bounce/first bounce, ie after it has bounced once 球弹起时[一弹起]就把它抓住. 2 [U] (a) ability to bounce 弹力. (b) (of a person) liveliness; vitality (指人)活力; 生气     She´s got a lot of bounce. 她浑身都是劲儿.




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