

单词 overtake
释义 overtake v (pt overtook pp overtaken ) 1 [I, Tn] come level with and pass (esp a moving person or vehicle) 追上, 超越(尤指运动著的人或车)     It´s dangerous to overtake on a bend. 在转弯处超车十分危险.     overtake other cars on the road 在路上超越其他汽车     ( fig 比喻) Supply will soon overtake demand, ie There will soon be more of sth than is needed. 供很快就要过於求. *Italy´s economy has overtaken that of its nearest competitors.意大利的经济已超过其最接近的几个竞争者. 2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (of unpleasant events) come to (sb/sth) suddenly and unexpectedly(指不愉快的事情)突然降临(某人[某事物])     be overtaken by/with fear, surprise, etc 不胜恐惧、 惊奇等     be overtaken by events, ie by circumstances changing so rapidly that plans, etc become out of date 受意外事情影响(情况剧变以致计画过时等)     Disaster overtook the project. 工程为突发灾难所阻.     On his way home he was overtaken by a storm. 他在回家的路上遭遇暴风雨.




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