

单词 tattoo
释义 tattoo n (pl ~s) 1 [sing] evening drum or bugle signal calling soldiers back to their quarters 归营鼓; 归营号     beat/sound the tattoo 敲归营鼓[吹归营号]. 2 [C] elaborate version of this withmusic and marching, performed as a public entertainment归营游行(配有军乐的表演)     a torchlight tattoo 火炬游行. 3 [C] drumming or tapping 敲鼓; 轻击     beating a tattoo on the table with his fingers 以手指在桌子上轻击鼓点. tattoo v [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) mark (sb´s skin) with a permanent picture or pattern by pricking it and inserting a dye 给(某人的皮肤)刺染图案. (b) put (a picture or pattern) on the skin in this way 刺染(图案)於皮肤上     had a ship tattooed on his arm 在他的臂上刺一只船. tattoo, n (pl ~s) tattooed picture or pattern 刺在皮肤上的图案; 文身     His chest was covered in tattoos. 他的胸部刺满了花纹.     [attrib 作定语] a tattoo artist 文身的艺术家.




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