

单词 bright
释义 bright adj (-er, -est) 1 giving out or reflecting much light; shining 发光的; 反光的; 明亮的     bright sunshine 灿烂的阳光     bright eyes 明亮的眼睛     Tomorrow´s weather will be cloudy with bright periods. 明天的天气多云、间中有阳光. 2 (of a colour) intense; bold; vivid (指颜色)鲜艳的, 鲜明的, 醒目的     a bright blue dress 宝蓝色的连衣裙     The leaves on the trees are bright green in spring. 春天树上的叶子是翠绿的. 3 promising; hopeful 光明的; 有希望的     a child with a bright future 有前途的孩子     Prospects for the coming year look bright. 来年前景看来很有希望. 4 cheerful and lively 愉快的; 活泼的     She has a bright personality. 她个性爽朗. 5 clever; intelligent 伶俐的; 聪明的; 有智慧的     a bright idea/suggestion 高明的见解[建议]     He is the brightest (child) in the class. 他是班里最聪明的(孩子). 6 (idm 习语) (be/get up) bright and `early very early in the morning 一大早; 大清早     You´re (up) bright and early today! 你今天真早哇! (as) bright as a `button very clever; quick-witted 聪敏的; 伶俐的; 机灵的. the bright `lights (excitement of) city life 都市生活(的丰富多彩)     He grew up in the country, but then found he preferred the bright lights. 他在乡村长大, 但後来觉得很喜欢繁华的都市生活. a bright `spark (infml often ironic 口, 常作反语) lively and intelligent person (esp one who is young and promising) 活泼而聪明的人(尤指有为的年轻人)     Some bright spark has left the tap running all night. 哪个小淘气干的聪明事, 让水龙头开了一夜. look on the `bright side find sth to be cheerful or hopeful about in spite of difficulties 在困境中看到事物光明的一面. bright, adv brightly 光明地     The stars were shining bright. 星光灿烂.




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