

单词 swan
释义 swan n 1 large graceful (usu white) water-bird with a long thin neck 天鹅. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page v. 2 (idm 习语) all sb´s geese are swans => goose. swan, v (-nn-) [Ipr, Ip] ~ off, around, etc (infml derog 口, 贬) go off, around, etc in a leisurely but irresponsible manner 优游自在而不负责任地走开、 闲逛等     swanning around (the town) in her new sports car when she should have been at work 在本该她工作的时间, 却开著她那辆新跑车(在城里)到处兜风     Are you swanning off on holiday again? 你又是一走了之度假去了吗?




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